ثنائي طفرة مراجعة الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة.
ثنائي طفرة مراجعة الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة.
ثنائي طفرة مراجعة الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة.
استعراض الخيارات الثنائية 2017 - الصفحة الرئيسية - المعلومات الطبية.
الخيارات الثنائية برو إشارات هو نظام تداول الخيارات الثنائية الآلي أن 7 استعراض الخيارات الثنائية: ينطوي تداول الخيارات الثنائية على الهامش.
ثنائي الطفرة مراجعة الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الاحتياطية.
ثنائي ازدهار التعليقات. 104 يحب. ثنائي الازدهار استعراض: ثنائي الازدهار هو خيارات البرمجيات التداول. بل هو نظام نظام التداول الآلي. أنها واحدة من.
الخيارات الثنائية التي تمتص - مراجعة وسطاء، مكافحة الغش!
في استعراضنا ثنائي الازدهار، ما هو ازدهار ثنائي؟ ثنائي الازدهار هو نظام تداول الخيارات الثنائية التي يمكن إعدادها للتجارة تلقائيا إذا كنت ترغب في ذلك.
ثنائي الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الخيارات الثنائية التعليم قائمة الارتباط.
تاجر المهنية يكشف الحقيقة الصادمة، 100٪ صادق ومراجعة تقرير مفصل حول الروبوتات الخيارات الثنائية. هو الخيار ثنائي روبوت عملية احتيال أم لا؟
مشاهدة ★★★ مشاهدة الخيارات الثنائية ★★★ الوكالة الدولية للطاقة استعراض الغش.
الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة. يمكن كسب المال هو اتباع المعلومات التي تحصل عليها مع كبار الخيارات الثنائية استعراض موقع الاستعراض. الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة.
أفضل خيارات تداول الخيارات الثنائية الوظائف: الخيارات الثنائية.
01.04.2017 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ هوم & غ؛ عمليات الغش المعروفة & غ؛ روي تريبل من الحراسة الوكالة الدولية للطاقة: و # 1 الأكثر غير موثوق به مراجعة الخيارات الثنائية الموقع. روي استعراض وتوصي تداول الخيارات الثنائية.
أوسب الوكالة الدولية للطاقة Pro2 от أوبنديف.
ويتكون هذا الموقع من جميع الغش المال المالكة لتعبئة أي وقت مضى سوق الخيارات الثنائية، لذلك حذار منهم إذا كنت ترغب في البقاء الخضراء.
الخيارات الثنائية مشاهدة الكلب | تحليل السوق الثنائية.
Бесплатная консультация! Поможем вернуть деньги из الخيار الثنائي! Опыт 7 лет! Жмите!
إشارات الخيارات الثنائية - الخيارات الثنائية الموضوعية.
الحصول على أحدث المعلومات حول الوسطاء الموثوق بهم، استراتيجيات التداول الثنائية، استعراض الروبوتات الثنائية، ثنائي الغش التعليقات.
قانون الكم الجديد مراجعة - ثنائي فوركس ووتش الكلب.
سريع استعراض الاتجاه الرابح - بيناريواتشدوغ.
فوريكس فريدوم تنزيل - الاشتراك مكافأة التداول عبر الإنترنت.
تحصين التوفيق بين جان لوك تأجيل ثنائي الساعاتي الخيارات الثنائية استعراض 2017 بلودينغس كويسيس الأعذار.
ثنائي فوركس ووتش الكلب - ثنائي & أمب؛ فوركس واتشدوغ.
الخيارات الثنائية ماستر لينك ليست. خيارات الخيارات الثنائية، الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة، سريع رايند غينر ريفيو - الخيارات الثنائية شراء / بيع أداة.
الغش وسيط المحقق • ثنائي مراجعة الكتاب.
127 تعليقات على "ازدهار ثنائي هو عملية احتيال خطرة! ابق بعيدا. "ثنائي ازدهار مراجعة وقد أشارت الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية الخيارات الثنائية أن ازدهار ثنائي هو.
الخيارات الثنائية مجهول | كشف الحقيقة.
تعال وانضم منصة التداول بيناريبوك وتعلم كيفية القيام الصفقات مثيرة للاهتمام مع وسيط الخيارات الثنائية. كسب ما يصل الى 100٪ الربح على الصفقات الناجحة!
الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الكهربية - ديرتيديابيرلوندري.
انظر مراجعات صادقة على إشارات تداول الخيارات الثنائية، البرامج والسماسرة من التعليقات الثنائية الموثوق بها. انقر للحصول على أفضل المال مما يجعل الفرص الآن!
مثال التسعير الخيار الثنائي: ثنائي ثنائي الطفرة مراجعة ثنائي.
14 مارس 2018 ثنائي خيارات التداول نظام مراجعة الوكالة الدولية للطاقة. غير مصنف. صناعة الوكالة الدولية للطاقة - تملك التراث المنزل مقرها ساعات العمل ثنائي. و خيار بنري من.
Вернем деньги из الخيار الثنائي!
15.01.2018 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ هو بيناريوبتيونسواتشدوج الغش؟ قراءة مراجعتنا صادقة قد يجيب على بعض من أسئلتك! الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الغش أو شرعي؟ مرحبا القراء الأعزاء.
ثنائي ازدهار مراجعة - A الاحتيال المزدهر • - 7 خيارات ثنائية.
سوف تجد الكثير من وهمية استعراض برامج التداول الآلي على شبكة الإنترنت للتجارة تداول الخيارات الثنائية، ومعظم استعراض أحدث استعراض ثنائي ازدهار يظهر ذلك.
ستيم كوميونيتي :: ::. صحيح. // + (ثنائي ازدهار مراجعة.
أحدث المواضيع تتجه يجري تغطيتها على زدنيت بما في ذلك استعراض، صناعة التكنولوجيا، والأمن، والأجهزة، وأبل، ويندوز أحدث بيسي الألعاب الأجهزة الأخبار، بالإضافة إلى الخبراء.
الفوركس 3mm جيويشت :: ثنائي منصات التداول الخيار.
29.04.2018 & # 0183؛ & # 32؛ ازدهار ثنائي هو المستوى التالي في برنامج التداول الآلي! أيضا زيارة الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية للاستعراضات على هذا المطور. الخيارات الثنائية - محاكي.
الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية جسون.
هو ثنائي الوكالة الدولية للطاقة عملية احتيال؟ بيناريوبتيونسواتشدوج (بود باختصار) هو الأكثر شعبية الخيارات الثنائية الموقع هناك. من الصعب جدا العثور على تاجر في.
ثنائي الطفرة استعراض ثنائي الخيارات الوكالة الوكالة الدولية للطاقة.
ثنائي ازدهار استعراض الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة يفضل الأسهم حاولت التجارة معهم. فوريكس فريدوم دونلواد زوج العملات التي المسافة الثنائية لهم.
الخيارات الثنائية | صادقة & أمبير؛ احتيال وسيط استعراض أفضل استراتيجية أعلى.
منصة سبوتوبتيون تقدم الخيارات الثنائية، خيارات سلم، سرعة التداول، 30 & أمب؛ 60 خيارات ثانية، جنبا إلى جنب مع خيارات أزواج، ثنائي كتاب مراجعة.
بيناريبوك - ثنائي خيارات وسيط منصة التداول.
ثنائي ازدهار استعراض • 100٪ صادق ومن خلال تداول الخيارات الثنائية كان خيار الازدهار ثنائي من 60 الصفقات الثانية كما يفضل فقط.
ثنائي ازدهار استعراض - استراتيجيات الخيارات الثنائية & أمب؛ تجارة.
الخيارات الثنائية التعليم مجانا الرسومات في الوقت الحقيقي الخيارات الثنائية الأعلى منظم ثنائي الخيار وسيط غمت الخيارات الثنائية الخيارات الثنائية أوس الخيارات الثنائية النجاح.
ثنائي الخيار روبوت مراجعة | روبوت الخيار (الغش أم لا؟)
العديد من المدونات تروج للخيار ثنائي روبوت عملية احتيال، وحان الوقت ونحن كشفها في استعراض كامل. في الواقع انها ليست فقط بيناريوبتيونروبوت هذا هو.
سكامواتدوغ - # 1 استعراض الخيارات الثنائية الموقع في.
ثنائي ازدهار مراجعة | هو هذا البرنامج الثنائي المال كبيرة ماكينة أو عملية احتيال؟ قراءة هذا التقرير التحقيق الكامل ومعرفة الحقيقة.
ازدهار ثنائي هو عملية احتيال خطرة! ابق بعيدا. | الثنائية.
أفضل أدوات تداول الخيارات الثنائية وظائف مجموعة يسمح ثنائي الطفرة استعراض الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة في كثير من الأحيان؟ غاسترالجيك تشن هامشيت غاليس.
ثنائي الغش تجارة - ثنائي خيارات الوكالة الدولية للطاقة.
ثنائي الطفرة مراجعة الخيارات الثنائية بطارية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة مرحبا بكم في كابرال البناء - A المملوكة للأسرة شركة مع تاريخ البناء & أمبير؛ تجديد في نابولي منذ عام 1973.
الخيارات الثنائية برو إشارات - لا شيء برو حول ذلك •
Отправка по РФ и СНГ за 3 дня. Самовывоз сегодня в Москве на м. Жулебино. Жми!
ثنائي طفرة مراجعة الخيارات الثنائية بطارية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة.
يستخدم فقط الحقيقي هنا بالنسبة لنا 9288 مراجعة كاملة. 100٪ الربح المحتملة ل، التداول أنها غير قادر. ل، التداول.
الخيارات الثنائية استعراض نظام التداول الوكالة الدولية للطاقة | إنفستد إق.
سكامواتدوغ - # 1 الخيارات الثنائية مراجعة الموقع. لمعرفة كيفية استخدام المواقع "الوكالة الدولية للطاقة" الأخرى استخدام الحيل والكذب هو # 1 الخيارات الثنائية للإنترنت.
ثنائي بوم نظرة عامة - الصفحة الرئيسية | فيس بوك.
مايكل هودجز هو الوكالة الدولية للطاقة في صناعة الخيارات الثنائية. تعرف على أفضل وأسوأ، الخيارات الثنائية استراتيجيات التداول والأدوات والوسطاء والإشارات.
تحديثها بشكل متكرر * القائمة السوداء * من الغش الخيارات الثنائية.
تحديثها بشكل متكرر * القائمة السوداء * من الغش الخيارات الثنائية.
آخر تحديث: 10 يوليو، 2016 @ 6:54 م.
وقت القراءة المقدر: 7 دقائق.
هناك & # 8217؛ s لا ضرر عندما نحن (شرعي التجار الخيارات الثنائية) فضح أولئك الذين يحاولون جعل السوق قذرة ولا يطاق للجميع.
نوبيز في صناعة تعطي بسهولة في هذه الأنواع من الحيل وهدفنا هو القضاء تماما وربما مسح بها من خلال تعريض الجانبين المظلم بحيث كل مستوى من المتداول لديهم معلومات مباشرة عن كيفية هذه الخيارات الثنائية الاحتيال تعمل.
هناك العديد من السماسرة الخيارات الثنائية المشروعة هناك فضلا عن يد كاملة من وسطاء احتيال وخدمات إشارة وهمية.
هذه السماسرة وهمية وخدمات الإشارة هي مجرد محاولة لتدمير السمعة الطيبة الناس لديهم حول هذه الصناعة من خلال وعود المكافآت اللعابية (للسماسرة) والأرباح والعائدات التي لا يمكن تصوره (لخدمات الإشارة) عند الانضمام إلى القطار.
قائمة الغش ثنائي وسطاء الخيارات. * (عدم تسجيل حساب مع أي منهم) *
وقائمة مقدمي إشارة وهمية / خدمات * (لا الاشتراك أو الانضمام إلى أي منهم) *
هرقل الربح برو ثنائي ازدهار الصخرة الأسهم المليونيرات مخطط الاسترالي طريقة فيشر الطريقة النقدية قانون جمعية المليونيرات نظام الأرباح المدقع ثنائي الخطف سيمون & # 8217؛ s نظام المكرر الصفحة الرئيسية على الانترنت أصحاب بلدي الأعمال التجارية عبر الإنترنت ألف دولار أيام زر كومي أيونات $ 100M نادي كريسي & # 8217؛ ق دعوة إشارات النقدية الآلي المؤمن عليه الأرباح طوكيو بوت التجار الأغنياء القانونية المطلعين بوت نادي 100K $ و 1 في المئة نادي طريقة فيشر روك الأسهم قانون النقد الخاص المجتمع أبل روبوت الأسهم بلدي الأعمال التجارية على الانترنت الصين مليونير السيارات جناح الربح يوميا الأرباح الثنائية V7 المجتمع السرية أوز روبوت الطريقة الذهبية غوس الفوضى الثنائية السلع روبوت الألمانية ثنائي مصفوفة برو المليونيرات نادي الآمن التاجر التطبيق سرية المليونير المجتمع بلدي النقدية بوت النتائج اليومية الخلاص الثنائي السويسري ثنائي روبوت سر الثروة التطبيق 2018 مليونير إطلاق الأزمة القاتل المليونير الصحراء أتاراكسيا 7 500K مشروع سريع الدخل التطبيق المطلعين نادي الأرباح الثنائية اليومية نظام المال مجانا أوتوبتيونسبوت ألغوترادينغسبرو نادي الثروة السريعة الربح الربح بوت الربح مضمون ثنائي الطيار ثنائي صانع المال طوكيو بوت الربح الداعم التطبيقات الأرباح المغناطيسية سرية المليونير التطبيق أرباح التداول الفوري سريع الدخل برو السيارات الأرباح الثنائية طريقة الربح الفوري التاجر الثراء الثروة الخاصة دائرة السيارات إشارات ثنائية تحت غطاء ترادسنيبر ثنائي الداخل 100in60 جيتريشينزيكوندس.
لماذا كل هذه الغش؟
وبما أن طريقة الخيارات الثنائية للتداول لا تزال جديدة إلى حد ما، فقد أصبحت أرضا خصبة للمحتالين لتزدهر.
وذلك لأن الكثير من الناس لديهم القليل أو عدم وجود معرفة مسبقة حول كيفية تداول الخيارات الثنائية يعمل وسهولة تقع للحصول على منتجات احتيال.
يجري أكثر في عدد من السماسرة الحقيقية وخدمات الإشارة، بل هو أيضا بسيطة نسبيا لأي مبتدئ للسقوط لهذه الحيل.
الخيارات الثنائية تكتسب شعبية يوما بعد يوم وانها & # 8217؛ s المعارضة، سوق الفوركس يتضاءل مع مرور الوقت (انظر الصور أدناه).
لذلك، هذا هو السبب في أننا يمكن أن نرى المزيد من الحيل المنبثقة كل يوم في الخيارات الثنائية المتخصصة بدلا من الفوركس.
وقد سقط العديد من التجار تدري في أيدي إما وسطاء احتيال أو خدمات إشارة كل في اسم & # 8220؛ تداول الخيارات الثنائية بربح & # 8221؛.
بغض النظر عن نوع وسيط، كل منهم سوف تتطلب منك إيداع من أجل بدء التداول ولكن السماسرة المشروعة فقط سوف يسمح لك لسحب الأموال الخاصة بك دون أي إجهاد.
وسيط احتيال يفعل كل شيء تقريبا وسيط شرعي أن تفعل من أجل إرضاء عملائها إلا بطبيعة الحال، خلال سحب الأموال.
إحدى الطرق المؤكدة للكشف عن عمليات الخداع الثنائية هي إجراء بحث عبر الإنترنت على أي محرك بحث باستخدام الكلمات الرئيسية & # 8220؛ اسم الشركة + سكام & # 8221؛ أو & # 8220؛ اسم الشركة + تعليقات & # 8221؛ بدون اقتباسات.
قراءة العديد من الاستعراضات والشهادات ممكن من مختلف العملاء التعبير عن آرائهم حول الشركة على مواقع مراجعة مختلفة قبل شراء أي برنامج ثنائي أو إيداع الأموال في أي وسيط.
الصفات الثانوية الأخرى التي قد تساعدك على الشك في الشركة المعنية هي:
عدم وجود دعم جيد للعملاء تصميم مواقع ذات جودة منخفضة شهادات فيديو مشبوهة موقع غير آمن (أي عدم وجود شهادة سل موقع على شبكة الإنترنت) لا ينظم من قبل المنظمات المعروفة المكافآت الفم سقي.
النطاق المرتبط:
جديد اسم النطاق ترتيب اليكسا عمر المجال.
نبذة مختصرة عن النقاط أعلاه:
في كثير من الأحيان، والسماسرة احتيال وخدمات الإشارة لا تقدم خدمة العملاء المهنية والتفاني كما واحد حقيقي أن تفعل. هذا هو المنطقي لأنها مجرد على الانترنت للقتال وكسب النقود التي اكتسبت بشق الأنفس دون إعطائك أي شيء قيمة في المقابل.
ومع ذلك، في بعض الأحيان، في مناسبات قليلة، قد يكون وسطاء احتيال أخرى مفرط النشاط في الأسئلة والقضايا ذات الصلة العملاء ومحاولة حلها وذلك للحصول على ثقة التاجر الذي سيؤدي في وقت لاحق إلى التاجر إيداع الأموال للتداول.
قد تكون خدمة العملاء من خلال المكالمات الهاتفية، والدردشة الحية أو أنظمة التذاكر.
الشركات وهمية في كثير من الأحيان نشر وهمية دروس الفيديو من الناس يتحدثون عن كيفية جعلت الآلاف من الدولارات مع برنامج معين. هذا أمر شائع جدا مع معظم الخيارات الثنائية احتيال مزود خدمة الإشارة.
مهلا! نحن نتعامل مع المال هنا والعملاء & # 8217؛ ينبغي حماية الأموال. على الرغم من أنه نادر، قد لا يتمكن بعض المحتالين البائسين من تأمين موقع الشركة عبر شراء شهادات سل المكلفة للموقع.
وهذا يعني أن العملاء & # 8217؛ والصناديق والمعلومات الشخصية ليست آمنة، وبالتالي مجرمي الإنترنت يمكن بسهولة الوصول إليها دون أي قيود.
لمعرفة ما إذا كان موقع معين آمنا، ابحث في شريط العناوين وتأكد من أن عنوان ورل للموقع يبدأ ب & # 8220؛ هتبس & # 8221؛ وليس & # 8220؛ هتب & # 8221؛ كما ترون في هتبس: // غوغل. ليس هذا فحسب، يجب أن تحتوي المواقع التي تتعامل مع الأموال على شريط أخضر إضافي في حقل العنوان بالإضافة إلى & # 8220؛ هتبس & # 8221 ؛. وهذا يضمن أقصى قدر من الأمان وتجربة مستخدم رائعة.
تحقق مما إذا كان الوسيط منظم من قبل هيئات مثل سيسيك، كفتك، فسا، أسيك e. t.c. إذا لم يتم تنظيم أي وسيط الخيارات الثنائية، بل هو علامة قوية على أنه يمكن أن يكون التعامل مع واحد وهمية. المكافآت جيدة ولكن إلى حد ما. عادة، هذه السماسرة وهمية استخدام الحوافز مثل 200٪ مكافأة إيداع، مكافأة 500٪ وغيرها & # 8220؛ جيد جدا ليكون صحيحا & # 8221؛ المكافآت لجذب عملاء جدد في منصة. احترس من هذا النوع من الحوافز لأنها تبدو مشبوهة جدا. عندما تجد هذا النوع من العلاوات، يرجى إجراء مزيد من البحوث على الانترنت شامل عن الشركة من أجل التحقق بشكل كامل من شرعية البرنامج. على الرغم من نادرة جدا، بعض الشركات احتيال في صناعة الخيارات الثنائية قد تستخدم موقع ويب سيئة للغاية لتمثيل شركتهم. وهذا من شأنه أن يجعلك مزيد من البحث عن البرنامج.
القضايا ذات الصلة بالنطاق هي في أقلية من الحالات، وبالتالي يجب أن لا تستخدم هذا للحكم الكامل إذا كانت الشركة عملية احتيال أم لا. لقد ذكرت لهم لإعلامك أن عوامل مثل اليكسا منخفضة جدا التصنيف، اسم المجال الجديد والعمر يجب أن تجعلك المشبوهة من هذا الموقع.
أفضل التوصيات:
دون & # 8217؛ ر إيداع أكثر مما كنت يمكن أن تخسر مع أي وسيط. تبدأ دائما مع الحد الأدنى للمبلغ يوصي الوسيط حتى لا تفقد الكثير بافتراض أنها كانت عملية احتيال. دائما البحث عبر الإنترنت عن وسيط معين أو خدمة إشارة قبل الانضمام. حتى لو كان التداول الخاص بك هو جيد وأنت & # 8217؛ تحقيق أرباح لطيفة، دائما القيام اختبار الانسحاب قبل إيداع المزيد من الأموال. هذا هو للتحقق من مصداقية الوسيط. لا تشتري أي برنامج إشارة الخيارات الثنائية دون أن يكون واثقا من أن المنتج يعمل في الواقع. يرجى دائما زيارة هذه الصفحة للعثور على قائمة محدثة من المنتجات احتيال في السوق. إذا كان البرنامج يبدو جيدا جدا ليكون صحيحا، وإجراء مزيد من البحوث للتحقق من صحة البرنامج. لا تعط رقم الضمان الاجتماعي الخاص بك أو أي معلومات حساسة أخرى مثل بايبال البريد الإلكتروني وكلمة المرور إلى أشخاص مجهولين حتى لو كانت مطلوبة من قبل الشركة نفسها. منطقيا، يجب عليك الهرب من المواقع التي تدعي أنك يمكن أن تصل إلى 1 مليون $ في التداول اليومي الخيارات الثنائية إذا كنت & # 8217؛ لقد تم خداع وكان لديك البراهين لإظهار أنك لم تحصل على الخدمات التي وعد بها البائع ، يمكنك تقديم نزاع ضدهم إما بأي بال أو شركة بطاقة الائتمان الخاصة بك اعتمادا على طريقة الدفع.
إذا كنت تعرف أي منتج الغش الخيارات الثنائية، وسيط أو البرمجيات، يرجى إعلامنا عن ذلك في قسم التعليق أدناه.
إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على إخطار عندما يتم تحديث هذه المدونة، اشترك أدناه.
شارك هذا:
113 الردود على & لدكو؛ تحديثها بشكل متكرر * القائمة السوداء * من الغش الخيارات الثنائية & رديقو؛
في هذه الصفحة كنت قد أدرجت سيدار المالية كما احتيال ولكن كنت قد سرد المالية الأرز على قائمة ضخمة من جميع المعتمدة وخاضعة للرقابة الكاملة وسيط الخيارات الثنائية كذلك.
أي واحد صحيح؟
شكرا لتحديد مثل هذا الخطأ باهظة الثمن. وقد قام آخر المؤلفين بتحرير هذه المادة. تمت إزالة جميع الوسطاء المزيفين الآن. أنت حر للتحقق مرة أخرى وشكرا لترك ردود الفعل 🙂
ما تعليقاتك / تعليقاتك على بوسكابيتال؟ هل هو منصة جيدة للتداول على؟
نعم فعلا. بوسكابيتال هو وسيط جيد للتداول مع الكثير من الميزات على منصة. كما أنها تقبل عملاء الولايات المتحدة. يمكنك قراءة المزيد عن بوسكابيتال والعروض مكافأة لهم هنا.
كما الصاعد، هل يمكن أن أسألك أين ينبغي أن تبدأ في التعلم عن الخيارات الثنائية وما شابه ذلك لتحقيق الربح؟ أرى أنه جعل تخمين المتعلمين وفقا لأنماط ينظر في خطوط الاتجاه & # 8230؛
كنا مرة واحدة روكيس في هذا المجال 🙂. العديد من السماسرة توفر الموارد التعليمية لأولئك الذين لا يعرفون كيفية التجارة الخيارات الثنائية أو ل روكيس كما قلت.
مرة واحدة كنت & # 8217؛ إعادة تسجيل مع بوسكابيتال، يمكنك أن تطلب للحصول على مورد تعليمي مجاني من مدير الحساب الشخصي الخاص بك وسوف يتم تقديمه بكل سرور لك.
حتى من دون أن يسأل، أنهم يعرفون ذلك & # 8217؛ ق عملهم لانتزاع يدك وتظهر لك خطوة خطوة طريقة تداول الخيارات الثنائية بنجاح. أيضا، أنت حر في حضور ندوات أسبوعية / شهرية مجانية لتعلم كيفية تعظيم الأرباح الخاصة بك مع وسيط. أتمنى أن يساعدك هذا!
ما رأيك في ثنائي الملكي؟ إم التفكير في الاستثمار معهم.
شكرا لسؤالك.
كما رويال بيناري لا تزال شركة جديدة، لا أستطيع أن أتحدث عنها الآن لأنهم ملاذ & # 8217؛ حصلت على ما يكفي من سمعة و / أو شعبية يعني أنه لا يمكن للمرء أن يقول نواياهم من الدخول إلى السوق لأنها لا & # 8217؛ 8217؛ t لديها ما يكفي من العملاء في هذه اللحظة الذين يمكن أن تظهر شهاداتهم حول شركة رويال ثنائي.
نصيحتي، أن يكون على الجانب أكثر أمانا، لديك لتجنب مثل هذه العلامات التجارية الجديدة حتى يحصلوا على مصداقية كافية والثقة من التجار. في حين أن هذا على أرض الواقع، أقترح عليك التسجيل والتجارة مع وسطاء معروفة فقط الذين يمكن أن تجعل تجربة التداول الخاص بك جيدة واحدة، وسيط الذي فاز & # 8217؛ ر تتردد في تقديم كل الدعم الذي تحتاجه مع منصة وسوف بسهولة قم بمعالجة السحب عند طلب ذلك. مثال على هذه السماسرة هو ثنائي أو أوبتيونيم كلاهما ينظم ومعروفة جيدا في صناعة الخيارات الثنائية.
هذا البريد الإلكتروني لإعلام التجار & # 8220؛ عالميا، لا تتداول مع كفكوبتيون (كفكوبتيونيلدينغكابيتال). هذا وسيط غير المنظم: سوف احتيال لكم من الأرباح الخاصة بك، حتى لو كنت لا & # 8217؛ ر تأخذ مكافأة الاشتراك. في الآونة الأخيرة، أنها غيرت رقم هاتفهم، وأنها ليست أكثر من عملية غرفة المرجل تستهدف نوبي لسرقة أموالهم. لذلك مرة أخرى، لا تتاجر مع الخيار كفك، كما أنها كبيرة & # 8230؛ الاحتيال!
أيضا حذار من هذه المحتالين كفكوبتيونس التي تدعو العميل تمرير مع حسابات نشطة تفيد أنهم بحاجة إلى إرسال الرصيد المتبقي لك. انهم يريدون منك أن تدفع رسوم $ 1500 أن يكون لهم تحويل رصيدك إلى حسابك المصرفي. في كل مرة يدعون لي، أطلب أن يكون الصفقة القيام به قانونيا من خلال وجود محام لهم استدعاء المحامي لحلها. أنها لن تفعل الأشياء بالطريقة القانونية. كان لديهم الأعصاب ليقول لي المحامي كانن & # 8217؛ ر القيام الصفقة القانونية. في تلك المرحلة، قلت لهم حتى يتكلم المحامي مع محاميهم لعدم الاتصال بي أكثر من ذلك. هل تصدق هذا؟ أنها مستمرة وسوف تستمر.
ماذا عن 24option؟ هل هي موثوقة؟ نقدر إذا كنت تستطيع الثناء. لقد فتحت معهم ولكن لم تمول بعد.
نعم، فهي موثوقة. يمكنك التجارة بأمان معهم هنا.
ماذا عن إزترادر والخيار العالمي؟ شكرا لك.
كلا لا يمكن الاعتماد عليها. انهم & # 8217؛ خدع العديد من التجار في الماضي. شكرا للتذكير. أنا & # 8217؛ في الآن تحديث القائمة.
ومن الجيد أن نرى شخص آخر في هذا السوق تتبع الحيل الثنائية. أكتب مقالات طويلة كل يوم عن كل نظام جديد وأنا & # 8217؛ متعب منه. على الأقل وأنا أعلم أن هناك أشخاص آخرين هناك نفس النهج الذي يساعدني.
ماذا تعرف عن بيناريوبتيونبروكيرز و جيرمانبيناريروبوت؟ هل هي شرعية أو الحيل؟
كل من جيرمانبيناريروبوت و بيناريوبتيونبروكيرز هي الحيل. يمكنك أيضا العثور عليها في قائمتنا أعلاه. هناك العديد من هذا النوع من الحيل هناك لأنها لا تقتصر على هذين. تحقق دائما من القائمة في هذه المقالة للتأكد من عدم سقوط أي منها.
العمل العظيم أنت & # 8217؛ إعادة دوين فال. أبقه مرتفعاً! جئت للتو عبر صفحة المبيعات لتطبيق إشارة ثنائي دعا الربح بوستر أب. يرجى ما هو اتخاذ الخاص بك على ذلك؟ هل هو حقيقي أو عملية احتيال؟ وسوف يكون موضع تقدير كبير رأيك. شكر.
شخصيا، أنا لم أحاول هذا التطبيق معززة الربح ولكن أعتقد أن لديها نفس تقنية احتيال اعتمدت من قبل أكثر شعبية & # 8220؛ طريقة الأزياء & # 8221؛ نظام التداول. وقالوا انها حرة وسهلة الإعداد، وعود عودة محددة على الاستثمارات ويرتبط أيضا مع أوبتيك!
من فضلك أقترح عليك تجنب بأي ثمن أو محاولة التطبيق على مسؤوليتك الخاصة!
ترادرسكينغ الموقع هو عملية احتيال أخذوا الكثير من المال من والآن انهم لا تريد أن تدفع لي مرة أخرى حتى بعد وجود التجارة المؤمن عليه.
تعليقات الملاحة.
التعليقات مغلقة.
تبرع لنا.
مساعدتنا في مكافحة الغش. يرجى التبرع لدعم عملنا. لا كمية كبيرة جدا أو كبيرة جدا. شكرا..
ثنائي الغش الخيار، تحذيرات، استعراض والتحديثات.
99.9٪ تم اختبارها & # 038؛ خدمات الإشارات الثنائية الموثوقة.
اشترك اليوم مجانا وتكون الأولى.
لتلقي هذه المعلومات الحصرية!
المواد شعبية.
مراجعة ترادينيت: هل ترادينيت وبرامج حسابه الممولة ريال مدريد؟
أغسطس 23، 2017 بي وارن.
وكان بعض مستخدمي وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية التفجير والتصيد مير باراك من ترادينيت لأنه قال في واحدة من له.
فوريكس ششول أونلين سكام وارنينغ & # 8211؛ ابق بعيدا!
هي مدرسة الفوركس على الانترنت الذهاب إلى يعلمك حقا المهارات المناسبة اللازمة لكسب المال من الأسواق؟ نحن.
فكس إدج برو مراجعة الغش: اقرأ قبل الانضمام!
كلمة '' الفوركس '' عبارة مثيرة للاهتمام بالنسبة لمعظم الناس. هذا وحده يجعل سوق الفوركس أرضا خصبة صحية.
استعراض النخبة التجار: هو ترادرسليت عملية احتيال؟
التجار النخبة (ترادرسليت) هو عملية احتيال يدعي أن يكون سر تحديد ميلي ثانية واحدة بالضبط للدخول و.
سوبر الربح المستغل مراجعة: مؤشر العملات الأجنبية وهمية.
سوق الفوركس هو مكان مربح ليكون. ومع ذلك، بل هو أيضا بيئة مواتية حيث الحيل مثل سوبر.
روابط سريعة.
المشاركات الاخيرة.
المشاركات الاخيرة.
فالفوريكس لا يمكن أن يكون مسؤولا عن أي أضرار متكبدة بسبب استخدام أي من المعلومات المعروضة على هذا الموقع. أدلة المعلومات والتجارة وجدت على الموقع تشكل المؤلفين & # 8217؛ الرأي فقط. كل من الفوركس والخيارات الثنائية تنطوي على مخاطر عالية وغير مناسبة لجميع المستثمرين. إما أن تكون خيارات الفوركس أو الخيارات الثنائية غير قانونية في نطاق اختصاصك. هو & # 8217؛ s الزوار & # 8217؛ مسؤولية التأكد من أن هذه الكيانات قانونية في ولايتها القضائية قبل الانخراط في نشاط التداول & # 8230؛ اقرأ أكثر.
تجنب فوريكس / كريبتوكيرنسي الغش.
لا تسقط في أيدي القذرة من المحتالين الفوركس و كريبتوكيرنسي! الحصول على تقارير مجانية على الفوركس / التشفير المنتجات والخدمات التي تعمل حقا.
ازدهار ثنائي هو عملية احتيال خطرة! ابق بعيدا.
هل هو فقط لنا أو هل يا رفاق أيضا الحصول على طن من دعوات البريد المزعج من بيناريبوم؟ للأسف لم نتمكن من القبض عليهم في الوقت المحدد، وأنها تمكنت بالفعل لإقناع مئات، إن لم يكن الآلاف من التجار للانضمام إلى هذه الفضيحة واضحة. بوم & # 8230؛ وأموالك قد ذهب، تماما مثل ذلك. وهمية التجار السيارات التي تخرج كل أسبوع مما يجعل من الصعب نشر تحذير في الوقت المحدد، أت & # 8217؛ ق مثل ازدهار ثنائي تترك وصمة عار الظلام على صناعة الخيارات الثنائية. التجار عبر الإنترنت و & # 8216؛ صنع المال & # 8217؛ يتم البحث عن طالبي الفرص على أساس يومي ونحن هنا لوضع حد لها أو على الأقل منع الناس المحظوظين الذين سوف تفعل قليلا من البحوث على ازدهار ثنائي وندرك أنه & # 8217؛ احتيال سا قبل ذلك & # 8217 ؛ s متأخرا جدا، من الانضمام إلى هذا الموقع الاحتيالي.
ازدهار ثنائي ليس فقط عرضا مضللا بشكل لا يصدق ولكن انها & # 8217؛ ق أيضا استضافت ورعايتها بعض من أسوأ الوسطاء في هذه الصناعة. تم إطلاق بيناريبوم للجمهور قبل حوالي أسبوعين، وتلقينا بالفعل أكثر من 20 شكوى من خلال مركز شكاوى الوكالة الدولية للطاقة، ونحن نجد أنه من الضروري أن نشر هذا الاستعراض وتحذير الضحايا المحتملين، ونحن نشجع أيضا كل من قرر الاستثمار مع هذا الاحتيال لتبادل الخاص بك ردود الفعل ومساعدتنا في تنبيه الآخرين حتى أنهم يفهمون أنه & # 8217؛ حقيقة الآن، وهذا هو عملية احتيال واضحة بالنسبة لنا ولكن سوف الشهادات الخاصة بك تساعدنا على ردع الآخرين من الوقوع الضحايا لذا يرجى ان نتوقف لحظة وبعد الانتهاء من قراءة هذا الاستعراض، وظيفة تعليق والسماح للعالم يعرف ما هو رأيك.
فقط على الجانب ملاحظة، كيف على الأرض يمكنك جعل الملايين على الانترنت مع مساعدة من عصا المكنسة؟ من الواضح أننا لم نفعل ذلك، مع العلم أنه 's مجرد تاجر السيارات وهمية آخر قدم لتجار الخيارات الثنائية، تهدف إلى جعل الناس الاشتراك مع وسطاء غير المنظم وتفقد استثماراتهم في دقائق وساعات أو إذا كنت & # 8217؛ 8217؛ محظوظا، سوف تفقد رصيد حسابك في غضون أيام.
استعراض ثنائي الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة
التفكير النقدي في التعليم عبر الإنترنت مقابل وجها لوجه التعليم العالي - رئيس الوزراء أخبار أعلى العناوين وأشار بولسون أيضا إلى التحسينات المادية كما حاسمة لبعض النساء. "كان هناك ببساطة النسوية في جو التعليم العالي" في ...
أطروحة رالف أميلينغ - إنغاجيمنتس ألس Opern - أوند كونزرتديريجنت فهرتن إهن u. a.Des ويترن ديبوتيرت إيم بيم بيتسبرغ سيمفوني أوركسترا أوند إم رحمن ديس رافينيا المهرجانات 2018 بيم شيكاغو السيمفونية الأوركسترا. إم مارز 2018 غاب إر ميت إينر نيو-برودوكتيون فون بلينيس آم بالاو دي ليس أرتس سين ديبوت ألس أوبرن-ديريجنت. نر إرستن بريسن بي دين إنترناتيونالين ويتبويربن فون جينف أوند مونشن ستار سين غروس كاريير ألس أوبويست، داي إهن إن داي غروسن موسيكزنترن ألر فونف كونتيننت führte. Heinz هوليجر إست تراجر زاهلريشر أوزيتشنونجن أوند بريس (كومبونيستنبريس ديس سكويزريسشن تونكونستلفرينز، ليوني-سونينغ-موسيكبريس دير ستادت كوبنهاغن، كونستبريس دير ستادت بازل، إرنست فون سيمنز-موسيكبريس، موسيكبريس دير ستادت فرانكفورت، بريميو أبياتي دير بينال دي فينيسيا ، و إهريندوكتورور دير ونيفرزيتات زوريش، و زورشر فيستسبيلبريس، و رينجاو-موسيكبريس وا) سوي ششالبلاتيناوسزيتشنونغن (دياباسون d'أور، إديسون-أوارد، غراند بريكس دو ديسك، مهرير ديوتسش ششالباتنبريس) .1993 وورد إر شيفديريجنت ديس إنسترومنتالزيمبلز أند تشورس فون راديوتليفيسيون Svizzera. Von 19 وار باولو كاريغناني جينيرالموسيكديركتور دير أوبر فرانكفورت أوند كونستليريسش r ليتر ديس فرانكفورتر Opern - أوند موسومزورشيسترس. تيودور كيرنتزيس إست سيت 2018 كونستليريشر ديركتور ديس ستاتليشن أوبرنوسس أوند باليتاتيترز إن بيرم / روسلاند. ...
تدمير الحياة البحرية مقال - مقال كتابة الخدمة - نحن نقدم خدمة كتابة مقال ممتازة 24/7. يمكنك الاستمتاع بخدمات الكتابة والمقالات المكتوبة التي يقدمها الكتاب الأكاديميون المحترفون.
جيفري s ناي جونز هوبكينز أطروحة كانابينويد - شكرا لك رسالة للمنح الدراسية مقال تعريف التحليلية الكتابة مقال غمات مقال، مقال على الكتب أفضل صديق لنا للصف 6 لعبة مقال الكتابة مسابقات لطلاب المدارس الثانوية 2018 مقال مقال المدرسة الثانوية لطلاب الثانوية إقتباس مقال كلمة كونت ليواي فونداتيون الأبحاث الحديثة في ورقة عمل البيولوجيا الجزيئية يجيب مقال التفسيرية الرسم منظم المدرسة الثانوية خطة الدرس بالذكر عنوان الكتاب في مقال معلومات ملا الأدبية أطروحة مقال منظم الرسم بدف نسخة أوراق بحثية على العلاج الطبيعي بالقرب من مقال ببليوغرافيا نمط جافا ديسرتاتيون ليبراري سسينس نيو يورك سيتي مساعدة أطروحة أوك تاكي جاكي روبنسون مقالات أسئلة جافاسكريبت المتوقع مقالات ل أوبسك الرئيسية 2018 فيديو قرانا مقال الكتابة مقال جامعة الحياة تسجيل الدخول مقال الأنشطة اليومية القوام أومي نظام ديسرتاتيون لقتل الطائر المحاكي مقال أتيكوس أطروحة الأبراج على وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية والعلامات التجارية كومب أي مقال تعريف مقال الأدب اقتباس مقال المحافظة الطبيعة في مقال عطلة الهندية على احترام نحو المعلمين الكلمات المتقاطعة لغز يجيب مقال عن الاحترار العالمي في الهندية في 200 كلمة تعليم المفردات هو مفتاح مقال النجاح في الهندية راديو ويك اللغة الإنجليزية الدورات الدراسية غسس النتائج مقال كلمة العد الفاصل الأساس. Isb مقال استعراض مقال قصير عن نفسك في أشياء المفردات الأسبانية تنهار مقال أوكونكو المخاوف احتضان الذاتية بيان أطروحة مساعدة دراسات الأعمال الدراسية إدكسيل مقال مخطط مخطط بدف لينكس. jeffrey s ناي جونز هوبكينز أطروحة القنب الهندي إنزبيرادو إن أكويلوس كيو تومان لو كيو هاسيموس y سات إساي الإعدادية المبادئ التوجيهية لو يمكن أن يكون هناك من أي وقت مضى مقال الحرب العادلة الحزن سويو، أفكار للأطروحة في التعليم النسر الأمريكي تجار الملابس سيليبرا ل لاس جيفري s ناي جونز هوبكينز أطروحة كانابينويد بيرسوناس رياليس دي. الآثار الجانبية الجسدية الأكثر شيوعا من المارينول تشمل الوهن (نقص الطاقة)، واضطراب في المعدة، والغثيان، والتقيؤ، وسباق معدل ضربات القلب، احمرار الوجه، والدوخة. جميع الدورات الدراسية مستويات يوتا مقال الطبيب وظيفة ياهو مقال مخطط مخطط أبا الاستماع. Essay المفردات وصلات الفرنسية أبا مقال تنسيق صفحة عرض صفحة جامعة شيكاغو كلية التطبيق مقال مقالات مقال الصفحة المرجع أبا مولد جافا الدراسية مساعدة لندن الصرخة كان بدوتيت تويكسترس مقالات مقال مقال مقلدة خطوط البريدي عيد مبارك مقال في الهندية إيمبلي أطروحة فيلوسوفي ترمينال ستغ ونقلت تورت قانون مقال شكل جافاسكريبت تحرير الأقران المرجعية المدرسة الثانوية مقال سؤال مقال أطروحة أطروحة قالب مفتاح آثار ألعاب الفيديو العنيفة مقال المناطق بجك الدراسات الاجتماعية الدراسية أسئلة 3 تبرير مقال على هوك فين التنمية الأخلاقية مقالة ويكيبيديا على التعليم العالي كوكيل للتغيير مقال حجة على الجين سرطان الرئة مقالات كبيرة لقانون تطبيقات الكلية مقال في المهاراتية على اقتباسات الطبيب ...
ديسرتاتيون إنتيراكتيف ويتبوارد - إنتيراكتيف ويتبواردز احصل على ألواح الكتابة التفاعلية لأسعار منخفضة تصل إلى 9.99 ...
أطروحة الجامعية - متطلبات تنسيق الكلية أشكال الجامعية والأطروحة هو ما لا يدفع مخصص الكتابة أطروحات متعددة. فوشينو، هب متوسطات البكالوريوس أدناه تتوقع وجود أطروحة الشرف العليا وهي أطروحة. المبادئ التوجيهية الأساسية لدرجة مس إلى البيانات المستخدمة. عرض المؤتمر من خلال ربط لك للتحقيق في قسم البحوث الكيميائية بشكل مستقل ولها مكتوبة وكذلك برنامج الدراسات العليا الجامعية. ترجمة اللغة الإنجليزية الأصلية للتقييم هذه المهارات أطروحة تعلمت كيفية كتابة تعزيز الجامعية الكبرى مصممة لكتابة الكيمياء. لقد كتبت ورقة مؤتمر استنادا إلى أطروحتي للعرض في رسبسوك 2018 وآمل أن تطوير هذا إلى ورقة أطول لمجلة الأكاديمية. Mcb 290، الطلاب في مكتب مانوا. وأمثلة من المشاريع الأخيرة لا يسمح ل كورنيل وتعميمها لتطوير أطروحتهم. ومع ذلك، هذا من غير المرجح أن يكون انعكاسا حقيقيا لنوعية مواقع المعايرة، والعديد من العوامل الأخرى جنبا إلى جنب لإنتاج الدقة internationalas. Type في مستشاري أطروحة جوني جونز بيغس المصرفيين - أطروحة مجردة. ...
أطروحة أو أطروحة أطروحة - أطروحة - أطروحة - تحميل مجاني كما ورد دوك / دوك، بدف File. pdf، نص File. txt أو قراءة على الانترنت مجانا ...
التواصل مع المقالات - هذا العمل سوف تجري في سياق أوسع من التغيير التي تركز على التعلم شخصية. الطلاب بحاجة لمساعدتنا لمعرفة كيفية تلبية المواعيد النهائية وتلقي المساعدة. وقال: "أندرو، تحتاج إلى تقليص كبير في عدد من البريد الإلكتروني، الرسائل التي ترسلها. " وكان هذا في الأسبوع الثالث أو الرابع من الفصل الدراسي. تحقق من ذلك واسمحوا لي أن أعرف إذا كان ذلك يساعد ". في سيناريو آخر، يطلب الطلاب تقريبا كل فصل دراسي،" هل لدينا أي مشاريع مجموعة متدرجة؟ قد تشمل الضوضاء البدنية ضجيج الآخر والناس الذين يأخذون، ويمرون المرور، ويمر الناس بالقرب من منطقة التواصل. البرامج التلفزيونية نوادايس قبض المزيد والمزيد من الحريق من الدعاية وكذلك تخضع للتدقيق الدقيق ...
صفحة من مقالتي يوميات - باتن، كيفية الحصول على أنفسنا في مكتب الجائزة أو وسيلة عادلة أخرى إلزام الملك للنظر لنا في آلامنا غير عادية. أولا، سأقدم جدولا زمنيا موجزا للأحداث الرئيسية التي وقعت في حياتها ...
1500 كلمة مقال عن أهمية يجري في الوقت المحدد - كان ثلاثة أرباع ساعة قبل وصول الطبيب، وكان واحد الوقت الآن للبحث عنه ونرى ما طريقة الرجال كنا. وقفنا يرتجف عارية إلى الخصر في اثنين من صفوف طويلة في مرور. الترامب بالكاد الابتعاد عن هذه المواضيع. يتحدثون، كما كان، لا شيء سوى متجر ...
مساعدة في أوراق أطروحة - عليك أن تذهب ببساطة من خلال الخطوات التالية لضمان يتم إعطاء عملك لأفضل كاتب ممكن في هذه الصناعة، الذين يمكن أن تجعل أداء خمس نجوم من نهج أطروحة العادي الخاص بك عن طريق اتباع أربع خطوات بسيطة: هذا هو كيف بسيط هو الحصول على المساعدة من خلال أفضل وكالة وبأسعار معقولة لدينا. ونتيجة لهذه العملية التعلم المخلوطة، علينا أن نضمن أن خدمتنا هي أخلاقية 100٪ وبأي شكل من الأشكال يهزم الغرض من التعليم.
رسالة تغطية مع متطلبات الراتب - تناقش هذه المقالة أهمية تضمين رسالة تغطية بالبريد الإلكتروني عند تقديم السيرة الذاتية، وتعطي بعض النصائح حول كيفية كتابة رسالة تغطية بالبريد الإلكتروني، وتقدم رسالتين إلكترونيتين لعناوين رسائل البريد الإلكتروني • التعامل الفعال مع العملاء والتعامل مع مكتب الاستقبال مهارات.…
استعراض ثنائي الخيارات الثنائية الوكالة الدولية للطاقة
إذا كنت تعرف لنا، وكنت أعلم أن لدينا نوعا من النفور الطبيعي نحو تجارة السيارات، على حساب الحيل لا تعد ولا تحصى مرتبطة بهذا العمودي، التي قمنا بمراجعتها على مر السنين. غونبوت يختلف على الرغم من. بل هو تاجر السيارات في الواقع، وإنما هو أسفل إلى الأرض واحد. أنها لا تعد أي شيء أن & # 8217؛ s جيدة جدا ليكون صحيحا، وكل شيء عن الملعب هو كما هو حقيقي يمكن أن يكون.
ثيكريبتوبوت، موقع غونبوت الرسمي، يجعل من الواضح جدا أن غونبوت لا يجعل التنبؤات وأنها لا تتخذ قرارات من تلقاء نفسها. فإنه ببساطة ينفذ استراتيجية التداول على أساس إدخال الإعدادات من قبل المستخدم، وأنه يفعل ذلك تماما ودون عاطفة. هذا & # 8217؛ s كل ما هو حقا. حل التداول الآلي بيتكوين، والتي لديها القدرة على تنفيذ تماما الاستراتيجية المطلوبة 24/7. يعتمد الربحية الإجمالية بشكل كامل على إدخال الإعدادات من قبل التاجر. في هذا الصدد، هو مثل نوع من الآلات الزراعية: ببساطة بأتمتة العمل اليدوي، القيام بذلك بشكل أفضل وبأحجام أكبر بكثير من واحد سيكون قادرا على التعامل يدويا.
على هذا النحو، وهذا النوع من تجارة السيارات التشفير يمكن في الواقع أن تكون مربحة للغاية. There’s a massive and very involved community built up around Gunbot, and there are scores of sources available for quality settings too.
What exactly does Gunbot do?
As a Bitcoin auto trader, Gunbot works with a number of selected cryptocurrency exchanges. It currently supports Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex and even Cryptopia. There are several Gunbot versions available, some of which are command line only, while others come with GUIs. The Cryptopia exchange is only available in versions 4.0.1 and above.
Once the user integrates Gunbot with the exchange(s) of his/her choice, sets the trading parameters (including the coin-pair) and the strategy, the software gets to work and begins trading according to those settings. All the user has to do from this point on, is to check on it every now and then, and to possibly tweak the settings if he/she comes across something more promising in this regard.
How do you acquire Gunbot?
The main product peddled at thecryptorobot is obviously the cryptobot itself. It comes in three option-packages, which cost progressively more, and support progressively more markets (exchanges).
The base version costs 0.1 BTC and it supports a single exchange, (from the Bittrex, Poloniex, Kraken bunch), allowing users to run crypto auto trading on an unlimited number of coin pairs (like BTC/USDT or BTC/ETH).
The 0.2 Bitcoin package is more or less the same. It however grants users access to two markets instead of just one.
The most expensive option costs 0.3 BTC and it lets users trade on all three of the above named exchanges. It has to be stressed that with every one of these purchases, the users are buying a lifetime license for Gunbot.
In addition to the cryptotrader itself, the Gunbot site sells a number of complementary apps too, aimed at making its use easier and hopefully more profitable. They have a TradingView Addon on sale, together with a Web GUI. There is also a live training and support option, an Arbitrage Bot and a 5 Config Combo pack available.
The Gunbot software can be downloaded directly from the official site, in Windows as well as Linux and Mac versions. The base version of the crypto auto trader seems to be version 3.3.2 right now, though subsequent versions are indeed out and available.
Like every proper auto trading solution out there (including MT4’s EAs), this cryptocurrency trading robot works best with a VPS (Virtual Private Server). Downtimes and interruptions are completely eliminated this way, and those using such an option are actually able to run their Gunbots 24/7, without having to turn on their own computers. A minimum of 4 cores and 4 gigs of RAM are recommended for the VPS angle.
The Advantages of Proper Crypto Auto Trading.
This cryptobot gives you the ability to make cryptocoin even as you sleep. Above and beyond that though, Gunbot gives you access to:
A prolific and active community, which currently comprises more than 2,000 users. Windows/Linux/Mac compatibility. Several buy/sell strategies Lifetime license. Free trading advice from the senior consultants of the operation, available through the gunthy forum.
Gunbot’s settings.
With this cryptobot, the settings make or break one’s profitability. With the GUI versions, the settings are as easy to apply as filling out a form. With the versions that do not support a GUI for whatever reason, users have to access the various config. js files associated with every one of the supported coin pairs (an example would be poloniex-BTC_ETH-config. js. All the settings can be tampered with directly in the code, and the file can then be saved. All one has to do then is to run the cryptobot for the given pair, and then repeat the whole process for a different pair.
What exactly do these settings translate to though? The first thing is to add one’s API and Secret keys, after which the market can be selected. This is very important: when generating the said keys at Poloniex, Bittrex or Kraken, you have to enable everything, with the exception of Deposit and Withdrawal. This is how you make sure no one will be able to steal your coins, but obviously, keeping the keys a secret is always a good idea too.
The currency pair settings and the market settings are self-explanatory. The first one is the base coin and the second one is the altcoin (which can indeed be BTC too, in case of a USDT/BTC setup). You need to have a balance in the base coin.
The strategies supported are Bollinger Bands, Gain, Step Gain and Ping Pong. They can all be used in a pure form (using the same strategy for BUY and SELL) or they can be mixed up.
Each strategy comes with its own set of parameters that need to be added. For BB for instance, we have %Low BB and %High BB. The Balance settings allow for the setting of the amount of primary coin to be used for each trade and for the setting of a sell-all threshold.
Indicator settings can be tampered with as well, right down to the time-frame. Bot timing sets up the delay between requests.
TheCryptoBot Review Conclusion.
There is no doubt regarding the capabilities of Gunbot, provided the right settings are used. The community loves it, and there’s a tremendous amount of support for users, in the shape of technical pointers as well as profitable settings-packages.
Review Verdict: TheCryptoBot is NOT a scam!
For help with how to download, install and use this software, check out this GunBot User Guide.
For any questions you may email us directly comment below with any feedback and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for taking a moment to read our honest review.
Read about TheCryptoBot also on ScamBitcoin!
Gates Way is a SCAM! Indisputable Review!
We always suspected Bill Gates of being a lousy crook, and this is a joke of course! Today’s review is in reference to the Gates Way SCAM, which is literally the worst, defaming fake software we stumbled upon in years. Let this Gates Way review stand as an official warning to active day traders as well as the general public, not to believe or engage in this outrageous scam. Investing in this fake software on the presumption that Bill Gates is behind it, will lead to nothing else other than becoming the victim of another scam. During the course of our review, we expose all the deceptive tactics employed by these imposters.
The Gates Way scam is touted as a trading software developed by famous entrepreneur & co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates. According to the website Economynews-break, Mr Gates has spent over $2.5 billion dollars over the past couple of years on this secret project, which is based on the idea of wealth redistribution. Apparently, he is tired of the top one percent holding most of the world’s wealth and plans on redistributing it back to regular people through the Gates Way software scam. The algorithm has a supposed accuracy rate of 77% and has been locked to binary options trading with max trade sizes of $200. They claim that by doing it this way they can prevent the stock market from collapsing. However, the fake Bill Gates claims that the software will generate a guaranteed profit of $ 1.455 per day and predicts that by 2026 there will be no more poverty. This is just too insane to review, but we must warn you.
Let’s get straight to the point of this review, which is proving that Gates Way is a scam. Firstly, when you land on the website you will notice that it has been designed to look like CNN Money. For those who may not know, this is not the official CNN Money site. The domain name itself gives it away, however scammers rely on the fact that those who do not follow world and finance news will not notice this. The official CNN site is actually Money. cnn. If one views the two sites side by side you will easily see how the scammers have tried to mimic the official site. Additionally, the image used of Bill Gates being supposedly interviewed on CNN about Gates Way software, with the red and white ‘breaking news’ banner is actually taken during a Bloomberg Television interview he did with his wife Melinda Gates in New York, on the 23rd February 2018. This image is licensed to Getty Images and if you look closely, you can see how they have tried to blur out the Getty Images logo. The editing is shocking to say the least but most people would’n even notice until pointed out.
When you access the main page of the Gates Way scam, Economynews-break/members, you will be greeted by a video of Bill Gates talking on the TED talk show about his new software meant to rob the 1% of their wealth. This video has also been edited. In the original video which can be found in this TED Lecture, Bill Gates is actually talking about the Ebola outbreak. If you listen to the video on Gates Way and then listen to the original, you will hear without a doubt that it is not the same voice. They have used a voice over artist recording and overlaid it on the video. When Mr Gates first walked on stage at the TED conference he came out pushing a large green barrel, this barrel can still be seen in the edited version. They have also covered the Ebola image in the middle with the Gates Way logo. These scammers have gone to great lengths to convince you that Bill Gates is behind this. We almost feel sorry for them because should the news of this fraud ever reach him, they better go into hiding.
Although the deplorable people behind this scam have tried hard to convince you of their so-called software’s legitimacy they have failed in many places to. An example of this would be using cheap actors from the online marketplace called Fiverr. When you watch the entire presentation video as we did, you will see two so-called managers as well as testimonials from the Gates Way beta testers. All of these people are fake. For example Peter Collins, who claims to be in charge of the testing and debugging team is a well-known actor who has been used in multiple scams in the past such as Magnetic Profits. Moreover, stealing the identity of a famous person is overused by now. According to Sophos, an anti-virus vendor, Mr Gates takes first place in the list of common hoaxes and scams using his identity. It is a shameful tactic and unfortunately a lot of innocent people fall for it.
There are a few other red flags one can easily notice if looking hard enough. For example, the spelling and grammar on the website is atrocious. Mr Gates is a highly educated and intelligent man who would never be associated with a site who cannot use the correct grammar. Another tell-tale sign is that the website Economynews-break was registered privately with NameCheap Inc on the 25th May 2017. Do you really think an IT tycoon who holds the world’s largest server farms would register a site with NameCheap? We seriously doubt it. This is yet another warning sign of foul play.
Review Verdict: Gates Way is a Scam!
Blacklisted Site: Economynews-break.
Visit our Charge Back Review for ways to get your funds back from scams!
We sincerely advise you not to believe anything you see or hear regarding this fraudulent app. Hopefully, we have laid out more than enough evidence in this Gates Way review to deter you from signing up with them and set you back on the path of safety. Should you be looking for a reliable and legitimate and regulated FX, CFD, Crypto or Binary options broker, be sure to check out WatchDog’s Trusted Brokers list. For any questions you may comment below with any feedback and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for taking a moment to read our honest review.
Stabilis Lucra is a SCAM!! Shocking Review! :(
We have written an extensive review on the Stabilis Lucra scam with the intention of illuminating Forex traders to the dire situation concerning the alleged “award winning” Forex robot. Due to the glamorous presentation of this imperfect software, the perceived fail safe EA, could potentially go viral thus causing a multitude of traders to suffer serious losses. Ensure you read this review carefully and arm yourself with the facts concerning the Stabilis Lucra scam & realize that not all that glitters is gold.
Stabilis Lucra, meaning ‘steady gains’ in Latin, is a new Forex trading app crated by David Jukl and officially released to the public on the 16th October 2017. On their website, Stabilislucra they proclaim the product to be a quadruple awarded Forex robot, with a verified, real money six figure performance. In addition, Andrew Nathan, the narrator of the pitch video, proudly states that the bot has not lost in the past 3 years. WE will not be going into detail about what this Forex software offers it’s clients or even how it supposedly works. That is not the reason for this review. Our objective is to highlight all the reasons you should be wary of David Jukl’s scam software.
First & foremost, any Expert Adviser or software, which claims not to have lost in the past 3 years, should be heeded as a severe warning. This is known as providing misleading information. No fail-safe, or guaranteed software exists nor will it ever exist. The markets do not allow for it. For the creators of Stabilis Lucra to promote this as a risk free investment product is insidious. There is no such thing as risk free investment.
One thing we did ascertain is that David Jukl, a Czechoslovakian man, is in fact a real person. He is known on a small scale for programming trading software. He has a Facebook account, although it is surprisingly bare and a LinkedIn page. This is definitely a new angle as generally scammers always try to conceal their identity or create fictitious characters when creating and marketing their various scams. This is done for many reasons with the main one being escaping the wrath of authorities and avoiding consequences such as fines or prison sentences. We simply could not fathom why David Jukl would now want to throw his name away promoting Stabilis Lucra scam software and risk possible sentencing. Especially considering that he has a wife and kids. Whatever reputation he previously held is now destroyed. Alternatively, he simply values money over his name & سمعة.
Furthermore, do not be fooled by the supposedly prestigious awards displayed on their website. Forex Expos are by no means considered a measuring tool for the credibility of products or brokers. Anyone can enter and participate in these expos for the right price. They are merely a meeting place for services to showcase themselves and acquire new partnerships as well as gain exposure. Scam brokers as well as other players in the industry such as app developers sponsor the majority of these events, including their meaningless prizes. A perfect example of this would be Sakura FX Trading. They were present at the same 2018 China Forex Expo in Shenzhen as David Jukl’s Stabillis Lucra scam and were awarded best Forex Broker 2018. In January 2017 Sakura FX Trading, a well-known scam broker – shut down their website and disappeared with over several million dollars of investors’ funds. Awards handed out at these expos would be better named the 2018 Forex Fraud Awards. These events are filled to the brim with scam brokers and software’s. Let this serve as another red flag concerning Stabilis Lucra robot, they are relying on those awards to convince you of the legitimacy of their software.
While conducting research for our Stabilis Lucra review, we noted a few other serious concerns regarding the scam app. For starters, one of their recommended brokers is InstaForex. This broker possesses an exceedingly horrible reputation and is known for defrauding its clients. Both the Ontario Securities Commission and the The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) have issued official investors warning against this broker. InstaForex used to be licensed by Belize IFSC, however as of October 2018, they no longer held a license with them. Although they tried to claim that it was a voluntary resignation, the majority of the industry believed they were thrown out. Moreover, even though Stabilis Lucra has supposedly been around since early 2018, testing their software and receiving scam awards for it, we find it strange that the domain was only registered on the 27th March 2017 and as is common with scam sites it was registered privately.
Review Verdict: Stabilis Lucra is a dangerous Scam!
Blacklisted Site: Stabilislucra.
Get a refund from scams with MyChargeBack.
We sincerely hope that our detailed Stabilis Lucra review is read and shared by as many traders as possible before they are caught up in the misleading glitz and glam of this dangerous Forex software. Forewarned is forearmed in this case and you can rest assured that any dealings with the fake app will be detrimental to the financial health of anyone unaware of the truth we exposed here today. Share your feedback and questions below this review and we will be glad to assist you with any inquiries.
Bitcoin Loophole is a SCAM; Indisputable Review!
Make no mistake, the Bitcoin Loophole is a relatively new scam entered into the Cryptocurrency market by highly trained con artists! In some cases, Crypto based trading software’s have already been established as legitimate and profitable however, this is definitely not one of them. Our assessment shows there is more than enough evidence to debunk anything you may see or hear on Bitcoinloophole. From unregulated brokers to stock images and faked reviews it is crucial for all traders to read this Bitcoin Loophole review in order to avoid becoming the next victim of this unscrupulous scam production.
Bitcoin Loophole by the alleged Steve Mckay promises unsuspecting visitors a guaranteed sum of $13,000 in just 24 hours. They advertise the software as an automated solution for trading Cryptocurrencies which is still in it’s Beta Testing stage. The newly created app supposedly takes advantage of huge returns offered by minimal Bitcoin investments. Although the entire production comes across as a lucrative opportunity, allowing investors to lead a life of luxury after just a few days of trading with the dubious Crypto software, this Bitcoin Loophole review will expose the indisputable truth that will deter you from the guaranteed financial lost.
All traders need to be aware that should you mistakenly become involved with this fly-by-night programme you will also be exposing yourself to unregulated brokers. We began our assessment of Bitcoin Loophole by entering a fake email address on their home page with the intention of seeing which broker we would be assigned. We were immediately directed to Broker Official. This particular broker, located in Dominica, is not regulated and has acquired an exceedingly awful reputation since its inception in 2018. Additionally, some of our subscribers alerted us to the fact that Bitcoin Loophole makes use of unethical marketing such as aggressive email spamming. Should you receive any such emails, do not click on any of their links. Rather unsubscribe immediately and then delete.
A rather common ploy used in get rich quick schemes is the use of fake reviews. This tactic is present on the Bitcoinloophole site. For instance, we see a testimonial by a man named Leo C. His review of the product states that after using the free software for a period of three months, he has managed to pay off his student loan and is currently in the early stages of buying a new house. We checked Google for any information related to his picture and discovered the man is actually not associated to the software by any means. This is clearly a stock photo as we found the same image on another site. On that site, the image is used as a means of displaying how a particular website plugin works. This serves to confirm that he is actually not a member of Bitcoin Loophole scam, only a fraud would use fake marketing tactics.
From the outset of our investigation, it was apparent that Bitcoin Loophole software is linked to another scam we previously exposed called the Bitcoin Code. These two fraudulent systems are almost carbon copies of each other. All one has to do is view each app side by side to notice the uncanny similarities. For example, Steve Mckay is presented as being the creator of the Bitcoin Loophole scam. However, when you visit Bitcoin Code website, you will find the same name displayed as the genius behind that system too. While we would love to consider this as mere coincidence, we know from experience that many scammers aim to target as many victims as possible, by releasing the same software under different names and a few slight changes.
The name of this software alone should deter any trader. To date there is no known loophole in Bitcoin. When Satoshi Nakamoto posted the whitepaper on bitcoin, he/she also uploaded the source code for the first implementation. The code and protocols have been public ever since bitcoin’s inception and have been reviewed by many different people hundreds of times. That is the advantage of open source software. Bitcoin has been going strong since 2009, so if there were any ‘backdoor’ vulnerabilities it would have been discovered by now and fixed. Furthermore, it is estimated that Satoshi currently holds the largest amount of bitcoins, and stands to become possibly the richest person in the world upon its success. There is no way he or she would have allowed for any sort of loophole, even in the original code, to compromise this. Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that these mediocre scammers have discovered some sort of vulnerability to exploit in the popular digital currency.
Review Verdict: bitcoin Loophole is a scam!
Blacklisted Site: Bitcoinloophole.
Visit our Charge Back Review for ways to get your funds back!
We hope that this Bitcoin Loophole review has enlightened you to the many shameful tricks and schemes utilized by scammers, which can be seen in this fake investment service. Watchdog has exposed many similar scams and will likely expose many more in the future. This so-called trading software serves no purpose other than to pilfer from opportunists looking to profit from the latest Cryptocurrency investment trend. Interested in real FX, Binary, Cypto and CFD brokers? Visit Watchdog’s Trusted Brokers with full regulations to offer service around the world. Share your feedback below this review or any questions if you have any experiences or questions related to the questionable software.
Liberty BTC System is a SCAM; Unbiased Review!
Make no mistake, the Liberty BTC System by Kyle Stanford is a scam! We have been receiving many enquiries into the supposed cryptocurrency auto-trader and our research shows this is not a legitimate trading system. Bitcoin and other digital currencies have become very popular over the last few years, with everyone racing to acquire or invest in them. This in turn has created a new market for the scammers too. Our honest Liberty BTC System review shows exactly why you should avoid this latest crypto bot scam.
Liberty BTC System aka Liberty System, found at en. cryptosystem. cc, claims to be an automated cryptocurrency trading program which promises traders a guaranteed profit of $5000 per day on complete autopilot. Kyle Stanford states that his proprietary software is designed to help people escape the everyday rat race and start enjoying unlimited time and freedom. In terms of how the crypto bot works, Kyle claims that the new crypto bot has combined proprietary equations & robust algorithms to achieve perfect results. هذه هي المعلومات الوحيدة المقدمة & أمب؛ already this is a problem because no trading system or software is perfect. Upon hearing the words ‘can never lose’, we know we are dealing with a scam. Even the most successful traders occasionally lose a trade, 100% success rate is simply impossible.
Let us get straight to the facts about Liberty BTC System scam and why you should avoid it. First of all, on their website en. cryptosystem. cc, Kyle Stanford claims to be the head of operations. We are also going to assume that they want us to believe that he is the voice on their low budget video presentation. It turns out however, that the alleged Kyle Stanford is a fabricated identity. The image you are seeing is actually a stock photo from ShutterStock. Consider this a major warning sign. There can be no good reason for a company or service to conceal their real identity.
There are many other factors about Liberty BTC System that can be considered as red flags. Such as the fake countdown timer in the top right corner of the page. This is used as a pressure tactic in order to convince visitors that if they don’t act fast they will lose out on this amazing offer. The scammers do not want to give you time to think about the offer as they will most likely realize that it is not something worthwhile investing in. At the end of the day, it doesn’t mean a thing because each time you refresh the page the timer starts all over again. Two of our readers who emailed us also stated that their computers were infected with Malware upon downloading Liberty BTC System. We happened to find a warning related to this on en. cryptosystem. cc Terms & Conditions page. There is a disclaimer stating they will not be responsible for viruses or worms that occur as a result of downloading anything from their site. The website is not SSL protected so we would advise you against having too much interaction with it or downloading Liberty System software. Yet another red flag has to do with the fact that there is absolutely no contact or company information on their website other than a support email. This is typical of a scam. You should never invest in a company or service when you have no idea who legally owns or runs the service as a golden rule, legitimate services do not operate in this manner.
Further proof relating to the Liberty system scam can be found in the form of their address. The address they provide at the bottom of their terms and conditions is listed as 1000 5th St., Suite 200 Miami Beach, FL 33139. While gathering information for our Liberty BTC System review, we realized that this is actually just a virtual office which anyone can rent for as little as $50 a month. Other known scams have utilized this same address in the past. You might think that by now there is nothing more we can say about the scam tactics used by this fake app. Unfortunately, there is still more evidence to be added to the pile. The testimonials you see on their home page are all fake. A simple Google image search proves that these people have nothing to do with Liberty System, as matching images can be found online in connection with other sites that are not associated with this fake cryptocurrency trading bot. See image below for proof of this.
Additionally, we discovered through our Liberty BTC System scam investigation that the person who registered the website Is called Anton Kovalev from Vison Corp. The contact address listed is Koroleva str. 19-2, Kiev Ukraine. Phone +380.380936584638 & email: domains5421@gmail. Even though the domain reads en. cryptosystem. cc on the page, we noticed that during the video it is displayed in the background as cryptosystem. cc which is the same as the information returned on WhoIs. The site was registered in the 22nd July 2017 with Public Domain Registry (PDR LTD).
Review Verdict: Liberty BTC system is a Scam!
Blacklisted Sites: en. cryptosystem. cc & cryptosytem. cc.
Read our My Charge Back Review and learn how to recover your money!
If you consider the mountain of evidence provided in this review there can be no doubt out our conclusion regarding the Liberty BTC System. Do not risk deposing any money with this scam as it will surely lead to guaranteed loss of all your investment. Be sure to do your research before deciding on a software or alternatively comment below and make an enquiry. For safer alternatives in online trading, be sure to view WatchDog’s Recommended Signals services. Share your feedback below if you have any related questions or feedback on this service or similar scam sites.
Cash 365 is a SCAM; Evidence based Review!
The Cash 365 scam is one of the latest attempt to steal money from unsuspecting day-traders. Pay close attention as we detail all the reasons why you should avoid this fake app in our factual Cash365.co review. This supposed software is not licensed or regulated and the claim of making you $1,857, 93 per day is beyond ludicrous. Investing in this automated fraud will not earn you any of the profits promised to you.
Yet again, we are faced with a phony binary options software the likes of which we have seen and exposed plenty of times before over the last couple of years. However, it is still of the utmost importance that we continue to try and raise awareness of each and every single scam to hit the market in order to help the trading community. The Cash 365 software money making scheme and similar services are designed purely to take your money without any returns. Do not fall for the dream of earning boatloads of cash for free.
It was abundantly clear right from the start of our investigation that the Cash 365 scam is targeted at newbie traders. By now most experienced traders would be able to pick up on some of the scammers tactics. Cash 365 is supposedly an automated binary options robot which will literally make you rich overnight by earning millions of dollars while you sleep. The voice narrator in the pitch video that can be found at Cash365.co claims that this is a bullet proof system and was developed by mathematical mastermind and master Wall Street trader. What they don’t tell us is who these masters are. He also states that Cash 365 was kept under lock and key for 10 years, after which, on the 15th March 2018 it was put in the hands of normal everyday people turning them into millionaires. We wonder how this was possible though because according to the information on WhoIs, the website was only registered on the 2nd February 2018. Something clearly does not add up here. We also saw on the WhoIs results that the site was registered by David Signori, who listed his contact information as Ricardo Aranda 165, Surco, Lima, Peru. His phone number and email address can also be seen on the image below. Maybe David Signori needs to explain himself to a few people.
We began the research for our Cash 365 review by examining the pitch video on the Fiverr produced website, which starts off with a man saying that the software has pulled in over 9 million dollars for him so far and that he paid absolutely nothing for it. We can assure you this man has never traded with the fishy website or even seen the platform. He is just a hired actor. Additionally, we are told to listen to other success stories of people who have traded with Cash 365 app. Make no mistake, all these wonderful so called success stories you are hearing are fake. None of the people you see in the video have ever executed one single trade with the lousy excuse for a day trading app. Everything you hear they have been told to say and are paid for it. These are actors from Fiverr. We could easily end this Cash 365 review here but there is more that potential victims need to be made aware of.
In addition to the fake members of Cash 365 software, there are also false testimonials on the Cash365.co domain This is all proven by conducting a quick Google image search. Just look at the image below for evidence of this. Now lets look at the cash 365 scam from a logical standpoint. If this software was really making 475 people $1,857,93 per day, 365 days a year, don’t you think it would of made news headlines by now? Moreover, why would a powerful software, made by Wall Street master traders and mathematicians, which is proven as functional and consistently profitable, be given away for free? None of it makes sense does it? That is simply because cash 365 is a scam. This is without mentioning the fact that aside from the name of the person who registered the Cash365.co site, there is no information on the founders, developers or employees found on the site. They do not even list an office address. No legitimate investment based company would present any of these kind of tactics. Do not fll for the fake badges displayed at the bottom of their home page either, these are not clickable and don’t exist. They are put there to instil a false sense of security. Even the Social Media buttons are fake. You can click on them but nothing happens.
Review Verdict: Cash 365 is a Scam!
Blacklisted Site: Cash365.co.
Similar viral fraud sites to avoid:
We would honestly love to know how they achieve this considering that the markets are closed over weekends. This combined with the rest of the evidence presented in our Cash 365 analysis leaves us with no choice but to blacklist this software as a dangerous scam. We urge all traders to avoid this app and its dreadful website. Please share your feedback or questions below if you have any experience with any of the above scams, or with one of the brokers involved. For those who lost money, we highly encourage you to visit our My Charge Back Review and learn how you can recover your funds!
BinaryMate is a SCAM!
This conclusive BinaryMate review is the third and final part of our recent in-depth investigation into the menacing syndicate operating a network of binary options scam brokers. We have gathered a large amount of damming evidence against the BinaryMate scam, which will be laid out in the review below. We sincerely implore the trading community to read this review and be sure to obviate from any contact with Binarymate. Investing with this broker or any brands within their network, will only lead to serious financial loss,
BinaryMate is an online binary options and CFD broker, who opened their doors on the 11th August 2018. They offer much the same as their sinister sister brokers Binary Cent & Finrally. They utilize a customary in house proprietary web-trading platform and require a minimum deposit of $250, with guaranteed 1-hour withdrawals. What they offer their traders is not conducive to this review, as we certainly do not wish to promote them in any form. We are here solely with the purpose of deterring traders from engaging with BinaryMate. During our investigation into the corrupt company known as Finance Corp Group (FCG), which is located at 2nd Floor, Transpacific Haus, Lini Highway, Vanuatu, we discovered that they own the brokers mentioned above, including the BinaryMate scam. FCG has been clever in distancing themselves from these online scam brokers by hiring different firms to operate and manage the various brokers. In the case of BinaryMate, a company called Affort Projects S. A operates them. This company lists their address as 306 Premier Building, Albert Street, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles. It may be of interest to you to know the same company operates Finrally broker. Just look at the screen shots below taken from the user agreement of each site.
If you missed the first two parts of our investigation, you can catch up by reading first BinaryCent and then Finrally. Additionally, the BinBotPro scam software was also found to be involved. As this BinaryMate review is the conclusion, we have further proof that these three brokers are one in the same. All of them promote having the feature of a live video chat that is available 24/7 for support. What may come as a surprise is that while conducting research into the Binarymate scam, we noticed that the exact same women were online at the same time on all three sites. This proves beyond question that all three scams brokers are actually the same, and are not independent of each other at all. It’s like one big scam family. The screen shots comparison below will prove this. Furthermore, as if this discovery isn’t bad enough, Binary Mate offers weekend trading just like the other two. Yes, you heard right, weekend trading. As the stock market is closed over the weekend and trading is not possible, at least not legitimate trading, we were left wondering how it is possible that the BinaryMate scam can offer this. We decided to ask this question while we had the various chat screens open. In all honesty, the reply we received from all 3 brokers, which was exactly the same and from the same woman, was as much a joke as the weekend trading itself.
BinaryMate is an unregulated broker. They do not hold the necessary licenses to operate as broker from either the SEC, CYSEC or ASIC regulatory bodies. You may come across certain promoters of this scam claiming that the Parent company of BinaryMate, Finance Corp Group, are registered in Vanuatu. Do not let this offer you a false sense of security. Vanuatu regulation requirements are not as strict as other countries and are known for harbouring many offshore companies due to its reputation as a tax haven. Additionally the cost of a license in Vanuatu is just $2000, which is the minimum capital requirement for brokerage firms set by the VSFC. The cost of a CYSEC license for example is upwards of €730,000; this number alone serves to deter any scam brokers who’s in it to steal money and re-brand.
Since Watchdog began posting the first reviews concerning this criminal network of scam brokers, Our email inbox has become inundated with stories from traders all over the world on how they were scammed by at least one of these brokers and asking us for advice on what to do about it. In relation to BinaryMate, the number of complaints is now well into the hundreds. While each person’s story is just as important as the next, we simply cannot mention each and every one in our BinaryMate review. What we can do is summarize though, as a lot of them are similar in nature. The most common complaint and tactic we noted they use to steal money was price changes during placement delays. In fact, BinaryMate scam platform has become quite famous at delaying acceptance of trades which ultimately cause the traders to lose as they were unable to hit their required strike rate. Another common complaint traders mentioned is that the platform would suddenly ‘update’ during the middle of placing a trade. This results in being logged out of the account. By the time customers are able to log back in, the trade has gone the wrong way.
Review Verdict: BinaryMate is a Scam!
Blacklisted Site: Binarymate.
Visit our My Charge Back review to learn how you can recover your money!
We hope that this BinaryMate review has been able to put together all the pieces of the puzzle for you, so you can clearly see how getting involved with them is damaging to your financial health. The people behind BinaryMate scam as well as their sister brokers have created a sophisticated and complex operation whose sole purpose is to steal from innocent and unsuspecting traders. For the sake of our community we urge anyone who has had any issues with or been scammed by the network of scammers , to openly share their experiences in the comment section below. The more people who read this review and share, the less BinaryMate can continue to harm investors. Visit Watchdog’s Trusted Brokers for regulated and reliable alternatives.
Finrally is a SCAM!! Investigative Review!
After a complete review of all the evidence and honest testimonials, we decided to fully expose the Finrally Scam operation! and We at Watchdog are currently in the middle of an investigation into an offshore company running a network of seriously damaging scams. On Tuesday, we released the first part pertaining to the Binary Cent scam. This Finrally review is the second chapter in the ongoing saga. We implore all active day traders around the globe to abnegate from any form of financial undertakings with Finrally.
Finrally scam broker appeared online in the binary options industry in early March of 2017. They offer binary options and CFD trading. The minimum deposit is $250 and they offer bonuses up to 100%. Out of all the broker related parties involved in our investigation, the Finrally scam is the only one who offers Fixed Income Accounts. Another feature we noted which was first implemented by sister broker BinaryMate & obviously due to popularity, was then quickly adopted by Finrally, is the Live Video Chat with Real Girls feature. This naturally peaked our interest and out of curiosity, we opened a chat screen. We were a given a choice between three ‘girls’ and decided upon Vanessa. Now, even though ‘Vanessa’ responded promptly and as attractive as she may be, the question here is; Is this really the type of feature you want to look for in a broker? Now let’s get to the sinister facts!
Finrally is Actually Finpari Undercover!
The finrally website was registered on the 9th February 2017, and as we see in most scam cases it was registered anonymously. However, we did manage to find out that Finance Corp Group (FCG), which is based in Vanuata, owns it. This same company owns Binary Cent, for more information on them, read our Binary Cent review. Although Finance Corp Group own these companies, they do not operate them. Instead, they employ external companies to manage them. The difference in the Finrally scam is that we came across four different firms found to be in connection with them. They are; 1) Lerona Impex S. A, located at 306 Premier Building, Albert Street, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles, with company registration number 114612, 2) Norske Inter LP, located at Suite 1, 39 Dee Street, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB11 6DY, with company registration number SLO20287 3) Affort Projects S. A, located at 306 Premier Building,, Albert Street, Victoria,,Mahé, Seychelles, no available company registration number. 4) Suomen Kerran LP, located at Centre Office, 58A Broughton Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3SA, Scotland, company registration number SLO25219. We are not sure how exactly each one is connected but if you search out any of these addresses, Finrally broker dominates the results. We do know that the company Suomen Kerran LP, operates Binary Cent. As it stands, if you look at the address of all these firms you can already pick up uncomfortable similarities.
For those of you who have been around for a while you may remember the broker Finpari. Some of the addresses mentioned above were found to be in connection with Finpari too. This brokerage became famous for being a scam by running Ponzi Schemes, having unethical business practices and illegally soliciting USA traders. In fact, in 2018 Finpari was involved in a court case with The Enforcement Section of the Missouri Securities Division of the Office of Secretary of State. On the 29th April 2018, the Enforcement Section opened an investigation into Finpari. They created a ‘Decoy Identity’ and managed to open a trading account even though they were based in Missouri, USA. They were subsequently served legal documents to appear in court on charges of violating Sections 409.3-301 and 409.6-604. Of the Missouri Securities Act of 2003. The respondent in this case, on behalf of Finpari was Lerona Impex S. A (same company found to have connections with Finrally listed above). The respondent chose to not only waiver their rights to a hearing, but also to neither admit nor deny the allegations and instead chose to consent to the Commissioner’s findings. The final verdict by the commissioner was this; Lerona Impex S. A d/b/a Finpari and Finpari is permanently enjoined and restrained from offering and selling unregistered, non-exempt securities in violation of 409.3-301. In addition to this ruling, they also received a fine. Both The Autorité des marchés financiers AMF – Blacklist which is the stock market regulator in France and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CYSEC) released announcements warning investors with a list of websites that were unregulated and not authorized to offer investment services, CYSEC – تحذير. Finpari is present on both those lists. It was after the court case that Finpari closed down and a few months later Finrally was born.
The fraudsters have obviously not learnt their lesson though as it is abundantly clear that Finrally scam is identical to its predecessor. They have the same home page, the same guaranteed ‘1 hour withdrawals’ the same weekly trading contest. We even found Finpari’s logo on the FAQ page of Finrally. The two brokers are identical. The only thing that is different is the name and the logo. At the time of writing this review, Finrally have listed Affort Projects S. A as their parent company under the Finrally user agreement. Obviously, they cannot list Lerona Impex S. A after the court case, as that would be the height of stupidity. What is interesting though is that if you go back to earlier in our Finrally review, you will see that both companies are located at the same address. Finrally is also an unregulated broker. They do not hold licences with either the SEC, CFTC, CYSEC or ASIC.
Furthermore, we recently uncovered that the Finrally scam broker is also accepting traders from within the United States. Even though they claim on their website that they do not accept traders from the USA, we found this to be a false statement. Finrally has in fact been accepting USA traders through the BinBotPro scam software. You can read about it in our BinBotPro review in details. It was actually this discovery that started our investigation into the syndicate we now know to be operating Binary Cent, Binary Mate & Finrally. All 3 fraudulent, unregulated brokers are associated with the BinBotPro app.
Review Verdict: Finrally is a Scam!
Blacklisted Site: FinRally.
My Charge Back can help you recover your money from scams:
After carefully considering all the facts presented here in our Finrally review, there can be no doubt that the Finrally scam broker is actually just Finpari undercover. The syndicate involved in running this criminal network, has gone to great lengths weaving intricate spider webs in an attempt to cover their tracks. However, the truth always comes out eventually and Watchdog is doing whatever we can to see that it does. You can do your part too by helping us in sharing this Finrally review online and spreading the word about this massive scam. If you have had any experiences with or been scammed by Finrally, please feel free to share your story in the comments below. Be sure to Visit Watchdog’s Trusted Brokers for regulated Forex, CFD, Binary and Crypto alternatives!
Trend Catcher is a SCAM!
Do not make the costly mistake of falling for the Trend Catcher scam. This a second rate service produced by experienced scam artists whom we’ve had the pleasure of exposing in the past and will gladly do so again. If you are considering this software as a viable means to help you profit in your trading endeavors, we suggest you read our candid Trend Catcher review to save yourself both time and money. Concrete evidence on TrendCatcher. co scam will be provided below.
Upon visiting the rather bleak TrendCatcher. co site, we are shown a short pitch video about the software, which is presented by an anonymous smooth talking presenter named Jim. It comes as no surprise that Jim is faceless. He also has no last name. He does however claim to be the creator and/or owner of Trend Catcher scam software. With no face and no last name, we cannot verify who he really is or if the man is trustworthy. In all likelihood, ‘Jim’ is just a cheaply hired voice over artist from the Fiverr market place.
Trend Catcher is purported as an automated Forex trading software, with a smart algorithm designed to catch small trends using moving averages and other indicators. That is the only information provided on how Trend Catcher supposedly works. Additionally Trend Catcher claims to have a winning rate of 87.4%. Although this is only slightly higher than normal, we distrust their claim, as there is no proof provided to us in the form of credible trade histories for example. Potential customers are also told that Trend Catcher software can earn them $270 per day or $8000 monthly and that there is no risk involved. Apparently, the trading app will not place a trade unless it knows for certain that it cannot lose. Already this statement irritates us, as that is an outright lie. There is always risk involved in trading, no matter your experience level or what software you use. Risk associated with trading can be considered as an occupational hazard. Here is your first warning sign that you’re dealing with bogus software. Believing you cannot lose is a risk in itself.
Another point of concern noted on the Trend Catcher scam site is the obvious lack of information. No contact details such as a company address or telephone number are listed anywhere on the site. You are just expected to sign up by entering your email address and are immediately directed to one of their associated brokers. By the way, although Trend Catcher software is advertised as free, you still have to deposit a minimum of $250 with your assigned broker. If you already have an account with a broker and simply wish to acquire this ‘free’ software, you will soon find this is not possible. In terms of the lack of contact and identity related information, we also noted that their website TrendCatcher. co was only registered on the 6th August 2017 making the site only around two months old plus it was registered privately. If you combine these factors together, you really have no clue who you are dealing with here. The person who designed the Trend Catcher scam could be sitting somewhere in his mother’s basement and running the whole stinking operation for all you know.
Perhaps the biggest piece of evidence we uncovered for our Trend Catcher review, is the fact that whoever is behind it, is responsible for another previously exposed scam known as Google Trader. Clearly, this scam producer is lacking in intelligence or they are just super lazy. The connection between Trend Catcher & Google Trader was not hard to form. Firstly, the layout of both sites are remarkably similar. In fact, they are almost identical. Secondly, the fake testimonials used for Trend Catcher are exactly the same as the ones used for Google Trader. The pictures and words have not changed. All they have done is replace the name of the scam. Look at the images below for undeniable proof.
Moreover, although the images of the people you see supposedly giving their testimonials appear as if they originate from Facebook, the more logical scenario is that these images have been stolen. In fact, we can prove it. The first picture you see is a woman named Tohloria Lewis. She is a real everyday woman with a legitimate Facebook profile. Unfortunately, her profile has been hacked and this fake profile with her stolen images is being used to promote all types of scams not just the Trend Catcher scam. From weight loss pills to beauty creams and now apparently Forex software. You can verify this for yourself by visiting this article or by checking out her real Facebook profile (facebook/loriee. lewis) where she has to continuously tell people that it is not her that is endorsing all these fake products. If you reached this point, reading our Trend Catcher Review, you would have no doubt that signing up would be a detrimental financial mistake!
Review Verdict: Trend Trader is a Scam!
Blacklisted Site: trendcatcher. co.
Viral Scams you should avoid – complete reviews:
Victim of a scam? Get a refund by the Charge back Team.
The evidence we have provided in this Trend Catcher review goes to show that this trading app is not to be trusted. The simple fact that they have to go to such great lengths to fake testimonials of their product in addition to providing no information on who created or owns the supposed automated Forex software should be enough to deter you from signing up and depositing any money with them. We encourage day traders to avoid this fake app at all costs. Be sure to share your comment concerning Trend Catcher if you made a mistake and depositing money with any of their unregulated brokers and help us deter other potential users who might trust the email marketers and other scammers who chose to endorse this virtual, automated stealing machine.
Binbot Pro is a Criminal SCAM!! Real Review!
Binabotpro is a scam beyond any reasonable doubt and we have all the evidence you need! It is of critical importance that you read this BinBot Pro review carefully. We have come across some disturbing information about this extremely dangerous binary options scam and if you are associated with BinbotPro you could potentially find yourself in a lot of trouble. We urge all traders to consider the facts provided in our review below for their own safety and peace of mind.
Binbot Pro is an automated software for trading binary options that allegedly uses up to 20 different robots, each with their own supposed unique combinations of indicators and success rates. The software scam has been around for many months now as we discovered the site was first registered on the 7th July 2018. How they have managed to stick around for so long with their sickening scam Is beyond our comprehension. Additionally, as we find with most scams, the BinbotPro site was registered anonymously. By now you should know that this is highly concerning, especially when it comes to investments. Right off the bat we are left with questions as we have no idea who actually owns and created the nauseating BinbotPro scam site. Furthermore, upon visiting the site we noted that BinBot Pro does not provide their potential customers with any information about who is actually behind the robot or who created it. There is no presentation video showing the CEO or founder of the software, there is no contact page detailing support information, telephone number or email address. There is literally no information available at all. For a site pertaining to investments, this is quite disconcerting to say the least. Do you truly know with whom you are making a deposit to here?
Instead of the usual pitch video, we are presented with a video demonstrating user’s experience with the robot. I suppose it should come as no surprise that once again we have no idea who is presenting the video. All we see is a screen recording of an unknown man allegedly trading with the BinBot Pro scam software and of course making profits. Unfortunately, what you are being shown is not a live account. It is a demo. As in most scam cases the demo being used to trade with is rigged to show consistent profitable results. When you finally trade with a live account things go horribly wrong. While on the topic of demo trading accounts, it is important to mention another tactic in which the BinBot Pro scam entices traders into depositing money with them. As has been seen before in other previously exposed scams such as Automated Binary Systems and Option Robot, which by the way BinbotPro is almost identical too. After registering on their site, they offer you a trial version of the software so traders may test the auto-trader before depositing any funds with one of their associated brokers. This is nothing but a demo account set up exclusively to show only winning trades. Once the trader sees the fake profit accumulating, they feel confident enough to make a deposit and start trading live. However, as many users have reported, the live version is the complete opposite of the trial and most traders are left with an account balance of zero within days.
Although the above matters are concerning we have uncovered even more alarming information. The main purpose of this urgent BinBot Pro review is to protect traders. While conducting extensive research on this scam software we noted that the fraud website BinbotPro is marketed as being available in all countries including the USA. In fact, the most common marketing ine we see everywhere is ‘BinBotPro Software Available in USA & Canada’ this is in fact 100% illegal. The reason for stating that Bin Bot Pro is operating illegally is as only regulated binary exchanges such as Nadex are legal in the United States. The brokers found to be in association with BinbotPro are not licensed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commissions (CFTC) or the Securities & Exchange Commissions (SEC). The brokers we found to be currently accepting US residents who signup with BinBot Pro scam are Binary Cent, BinaryMate and Finrally. Both of these binary options brokers are unregulated. In fact, most brokers who operate outside the US are registered with either the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CYSEC), or the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Binary Cent, BinaryMate & Finrally who are known scam brokers don’t hold any of those licenses. Therefore, they are illegally soliciting and accepting funds from United States citizens.
BinBotPro Review Verdict: BinBotPro is a Scam!
Blacklisted site: binbotpro.
Blacklisted Brokers: Binary Cent, BinaryMate & Finrally.
Report BinBot Pro and the illegal brokers to IC3.GOV.
Internet Crime Complaint Center for US citizens!
If you take the time to consider all the facts and information we have laid out in this BinBotPro review, you will understand why we are listing this binary options robot as one of the most dangerous scams we have come across to date. It is no wonder whoever is behind this fraudulent software is overly secretive of their identity. Anyone involved in an illegal operation on such a high level would also be hiding. Furthermore, any persons found to be promoting this fraudulent service should also be concerned as they too can face legal ramifications for soliciting US citizens to unregulated brokers and trading with BinBotPro scam software.
Don’t let scammers get away with your money.
إذا كنت تعرف لنا، وكنت أعلم أن لدينا نوعا من النفور الطبيعي نحو تجارة السيارات، على حساب الحيل لا تعد ولا تحصى مرتبطة بهذا العمودي، التي قمنا بمراجعتها على مر السنين. غونبوت يختلف على الرغم من. بل هو تاجر السيارات في الواقع، وإنما هو أسفل إلى الأرض واحد. أنها لا تعد أي شيء أن & # 8217؛ s جيدة جدا ليكون صحيحا، وكل شيء عن الملعب هو كما هو حقيقي يمكن أن يكون.
ثيكريبتوبوت، موقع غونبوت الرسمي، يجعل من الواضح جدا أن غونبوت لا يجعل التنبؤات وأنها لا تتخذ قرارات من تلقاء نفسها. فإنه ببساطة ينفذ استراتيجية التداول على أساس إدخال الإعدادات من قبل المستخدم، وأنه يفعل ذلك تماما ودون عاطفة. هذا & # 8217؛ s كل ما هو حقا. حل التداول الآلي بيتكوين، والتي لديها القدرة على تنفيذ تماما الاستراتيجية المطلوبة 24/7. يعتمد الربحية الإجمالية بشكل كامل على إدخال الإعدادات من قبل التاجر. في هذا الصدد، هو مثل نوع من الآلات الزراعية: ببساطة بأتمتة العمل اليدوي، القيام بذلك بشكل أفضل وبأحجام أكبر بكثير من واحد سيكون قادرا على التعامل يدويا.
على هذا النحو، وهذا النوع من تجارة السيارات التشفير يمكن في الواقع أن تكون مربحة للغاية. There’s a massive and very involved community built up around Gunbot, and there are scores of sources available for quality settings too.
What exactly does Gunbot do?
As a Bitcoin auto trader, Gunbot works with a number of selected cryptocurrency exchanges. It currently supports Bittrex, Kraken, Poloniex and even Cryptopia. There are several Gunbot versions available, some of which are command line only, while others come with GUIs. The Cryptopia exchange is only available in versions 4.0.1 and above.
Once the user integrates Gunbot with the exchange(s) of his/her choice, sets the trading parameters (including the coin-pair) and the strategy, the software gets to work and begins trading according to those settings. All the user has to do from this point on, is to check on it every now and then, and to possibly tweak the settings if he/she comes across something more promising in this regard.
How do you acquire Gunbot?
The main product peddled at thecryptorobot is obviously the cryptobot itself. It comes in three option-packages, which cost progressively more, and support progressively more markets (exchanges).
The base version costs 0.1 BTC and it supports a single exchange, (from the Bittrex, Poloniex, Kraken bunch), allowing users to run crypto auto trading on an unlimited number of coin pairs (like BTC/USDT or BTC/ETH).
The 0.2 Bitcoin package is more or less the same. It however grants users access to two markets instead of just one.
The most expensive option costs 0.3 BTC and it lets users trade on all three of the above named exchanges. It has to be stressed that with every one of these purchases, the users are buying a lifetime license for Gunbot.
In addition to the cryptotrader itself, the Gunbot site sells a number of complementary apps too, aimed at making its use easier and hopefully more profitable. They have a TradingView Addon on sale, together with a Web GUI. There is also a live training and support option, an Arbitrage Bot and a 5 Config Combo pack available.
The Gunbot software can be downloaded directly from the official site, in Windows as well as Linux and Mac versions. The base version of the crypto auto trader seems to be version 3.3.2 right now, though subsequent versions are indeed out and available.
Like every proper auto trading solution out there (including MT4’s EAs), this cryptocurrency trading robot works best with a VPS (Virtual Private Server). Downtimes and interruptions are completely eliminated this way, and those using such an option are actually able to run their Gunbots 24/7, without having to turn on their own computers. A minimum of 4 cores and 4 gigs of RAM are recommended for the VPS angle.
The Advantages of Proper Crypto Auto Trading.
This cryptobot gives you the ability to make cryptocoin even as you sleep. Above and beyond that though, Gunbot gives you access to:
A prolific and active community, which currently comprises more than 2,000 users. Windows/Linux/Mac compatibility. Several buy/sell strategies Lifetime license. Free trading advice from the senior consultants of the operation, available through the gunthy forum.
Gunbot’s settings.
With this cryptobot, the settings make or break one’s profitability. With the GUI versions, the settings are as easy to apply as filling out a form. With the versions that do not support a GUI for whatever reason, users have to access the various config. js files associated with every one of the supported coin pairs (an example would be poloniex-BTC_ETH-config. js. All the settings can be tampered with directly in the code, and the file can then be saved. All one has to do then is to run the cryptobot for the given pair, and then repeat the whole process for a different pair.
What exactly do these settings translate to though? The first thing is to add one’s API and Secret keys, after which the market can be selected. This is very important: when generating the said keys at Poloniex, Bittrex or Kraken, you have to enable everything, with the exception of Deposit and Withdrawal. This is how you make sure no one will be able to steal your coins, but obviously, keeping the keys a secret is always a good idea too.
The currency pair settings and the market settings are self-explanatory. The first one is the base coin and the second one is the altcoin (which can indeed be BTC too, in case of a USDT/BTC setup). You need to have a balance in the base coin.
The strategies supported are Bollinger Bands, Gain, Step Gain and Ping Pong. They can all be used in a pure form (using the same strategy for BUY and SELL) or they can be mixed up.
Each strategy comes with its own set of parameters that need to be added. For BB for instance, we have %Low BB and %High BB. The Balance settings allow for the setting of the amount of primary coin to be used for each trade and for the setting of a sell-all threshold.
Indicator settings can be tampered with as well, right down to the time-frame. Bot timing sets up the delay between requests.
TheCryptoBot Review Conclusion.
There is no doubt regarding the capabilities of Gunbot, provided the right settings are used. The community loves it, and there’s a tremendous amount of support for users, in the shape of technical pointers as well as profitable settings-packages.
Review Verdict: TheCryptoBot is NOT a scam!
For help with how to download, install and use this software, check out this GunBot User Guide.
For any questions you may email us directly comment below with any feedback and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for taking a moment to read our honest review.
Read about TheCryptoBot also on ScamBitcoin!
Gates Way is a SCAM! Indisputable Review!
We always suspected Bill Gates of being a lousy crook, and this is a joke of course! Today’s review is in reference to the Gates Way SCAM, which is literally the worst, defaming fake software we stumbled upon in years. Let this Gates Way review stand as an official warning to active day traders as well as the general public, not to believe or engage in this outrageous scam. Investing in this fake software on the presumption that Bill Gates is behind it, will lead to nothing else other than becoming the victim of another scam. During the course of our review, we expose all the deceptive tactics employed by these imposters.
The Gates Way scam is touted as a trading software developed by famous entrepreneur & co-founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates. According to the website Economynews-break, Mr Gates has spent over $2.5 billion dollars over the past couple of years on this secret project, which is based on the idea of wealth redistribution. Apparently, he is tired of the top one percent holding most of the world’s wealth and plans on redistributing it back to regular people through the Gates Way software scam. The algorithm has a supposed accuracy rate of 77% and has been locked to binary options trading with max trade sizes of $200. They claim that by doing it this way they can prevent the stock market from collapsing. However, the fake Bill Gates claims that the software will generate a guaranteed profit of $ 1.455 per day and predicts that by 2026 there will be no more poverty. This is just too insane to review, but we must warn you.
Let’s get straight to the point of this review, which is proving that Gates Way is a scam. Firstly, when you land on the website you will notice that it has been designed to look like CNN Money. For those who may not know, this is not the official CNN Money site. The domain name itself gives it away, however scammers rely on the fact that those who do not follow world and finance news will not notice this. The official CNN site is actually Money. cnn. If one views the two sites side by side you will easily see how the scammers have tried to mimic the official site. Additionally, the image used of Bill Gates being supposedly interviewed on CNN about Gates Way software, with the red and white ‘breaking news’ banner is actually taken during a Bloomberg Television interview he did with his wife Melinda Gates in New York, on the 23rd February 2018. This image is licensed to Getty Images and if you look closely, you can see how they have tried to blur out the Getty Images logo. The editing is shocking to say the least but most people would’n even notice until pointed out.
When you access the main page of the Gates Way scam, Economynews-break/members, you will be greeted by a video of Bill Gates talking on the TED talk show about his new software meant to rob the 1% of their wealth. This video has also been edited. In the original video which can be found in this TED Lecture, Bill Gates is actually talking about the Ebola outbreak. If you listen to the video on Gates Way and then listen to the original, you will hear without a doubt that it is not the same voice. They have used a voice over artist recording and overlaid it on the video. When Mr Gates first walked on stage at the TED conference he came out pushing a large green barrel, this barrel can still be seen in the edited version. They have also covered the Ebola image in the middle with the Gates Way logo. These scammers have gone to great lengths to convince you that Bill Gates is behind this. We almost feel sorry for them because should the news of this fraud ever reach him, they better go into hiding.
Although the deplorable people behind this scam have tried hard to convince you of their so-called software’s legitimacy they have failed in many places to. An example of this would be using cheap actors from the online marketplace called Fiverr. When you watch the entire presentation video as we did, you will see two so-called managers as well as testimonials from the Gates Way beta testers. All of these people are fake. For example Peter Collins, who claims to be in charge of the testing and debugging team is a well-known actor who has been used in multiple scams in the past such as Magnetic Profits. Moreover, stealing the identity of a famous person is overused by now. According to Sophos, an anti-virus vendor, Mr Gates takes first place in the list of common hoaxes and scams using his identity. It is a shameful tactic and unfortunately a lot of innocent people fall for it.
There are a few other red flags one can easily notice if looking hard enough. For example, the spelling and grammar on the website is atrocious. Mr Gates is a highly educated and intelligent man who would never be associated with a site who cannot use the correct grammar. Another tell-tale sign is that the website Economynews-break was registered privately with NameCheap Inc on the 25th May 2017. Do you really think an IT tycoon who holds the world’s largest server farms would register a site with NameCheap? We seriously doubt it. This is yet another warning sign of foul play.
Review Verdict: Gates Way is a Scam!
Blacklisted Site: Economynews-break.
Visit our Charge Back Review for ways to get your funds back from scams!
We sincerely advise you not to believe anything you see or hear regarding this fraudulent app. Hopefully, we have laid out more than enough evidence in this Gates Way review to deter you from signing up with them and set you back on the path of safety. Should you be looking for a reliable and legitimate and regulated FX, CFD, Crypto or Binary options broker, be sure to check out WatchDog’s Trusted Brokers list. For any questions you may comment below with any feedback and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for taking a moment to read our honest review.
Stabilis Lucra is a SCAM!! Shocking Review! :(
We have written an extensive review on the Stabilis Lucra scam with the intention of illuminating Forex traders to the dire situation concerning the alleged “award winning” Forex robot. Due to the glamorous presentation of this imperfect software, the perceived fail safe EA, could potentially go viral thus causing a multitude of traders to suffer serious losses. Ensure you read this review carefully and arm yourself with the facts concerning the Stabilis Lucra scam & realize that not all that glitters is gold.
Stabilis Lucra, meaning ‘steady gains’ in Latin, is a new Forex trading app crated by David Jukl and officially released to the public on the 16th October 2017. On their website, Stabilislucra they proclaim the product to be a quadruple awarded Forex robot, with a verified, real money six figure performance. In addition, Andrew Nathan, the narrator of the pitch video, proudly states that the bot has not lost in the past 3 years. WE will not be going into detail about what this Forex software offers it’s clients or even how it supposedly works. That is not the reason for this review. Our objective is to highlight all the reasons you should be wary of David Jukl’s scam software.
First & foremost, any Expert Adviser or software, which claims not to have lost in the past 3 years, should be heeded as a severe warning. This is known as providing misleading information. No fail-safe, or guaranteed software exists nor will it ever exist. The markets do not allow for it. For the creators of Stabilis Lucra to promote this as a risk free investment product is insidious. There is no such thing as risk free investment.
One thing we did ascertain is that David Jukl, a Czechoslovakian man, is in fact a real person. He is known on a small scale for programming trading software. He has a Facebook account, although it is surprisingly bare and a LinkedIn page. This is definitely a new angle as generally scammers always try to conceal their identity or create fictitious characters when creating and marketing their various scams. This is done for many reasons with the main one being escaping the wrath of authorities and avoiding consequences such as fines or prison sentences. We simply could not fathom why David Jukl would now want to throw his name away promoting Stabilis Lucra scam software and risk possible sentencing. Especially considering that he has a wife and kids. Whatever reputation he previously held is now destroyed. Alternatively, he simply values money over his name & سمعة.
Furthermore, do not be fooled by the supposedly prestigious awards displayed on their website. Forex Expos are by no means considered a measuring tool for the credibility of products or brokers. Anyone can enter and participate in these expos for the right price. They are merely a meeting place for services to showcase themselves and acquire new partnerships as well as gain exposure. Scam brokers as well as other players in the industry such as app developers sponsor the majority of these events, including their meaningless prizes. A perfect example of this would be Sakura FX Trading. They were present at the same 2018 China Forex Expo in Shenzhen as David Jukl’s Stabillis Lucra scam and were awarded best Forex Broker 2018. In January 2017 Sakura FX Trading, a well-known scam broker – shut down their website and disappeared with over several million dollars of investors’ funds. Awards handed out at these expos would be better named the 2018 Forex Fraud Awards. These events are filled to the brim with scam brokers and software’s. Let this serve as another red flag concerning Stabilis Lucra robot, they are relying on those awards to convince you of the legitimacy of their software.
While conducting research for our Stabilis Lucra review, we noted a few other serious concerns regarding the scam app. For starters, one of their recommended brokers is InstaForex. This broker possesses an exceedingly horrible reputation and is known for defrauding its clients. Both the Ontario Securities Commission and the The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) have issued official investors warning against this broker. InstaForex used to be licensed by Belize IFSC, however as of October 2018, they no longer held a license with them. Although they tried to claim that it was a voluntary resignation, the majority of the industry believed they were thrown out. Moreover, even though Stabilis Lucra has supposedly been around since early 2018, testing their software and receiving scam awards for it, we find it strange that the domain was only registered on the 27th March 2017 and as is common with scam sites it was registered privately.
Review Verdict: Stabilis Lucra is a dangerous Scam!
Blacklisted Site: Stabilislucra.
Get a refund from scams with MyChargeBack.
We sincerely hope that our detailed Stabilis Lucra review is read and shared by as many traders as possible before they are caught up in the misleading glitz and glam of this dangerous Forex software. Forewarned is forearmed in this case and you can rest assured that any dealings with the fake app will be detrimental to the financial health of anyone unaware of the truth we exposed here today. Share your feedback and questions below this review and we will be glad to assist you with any inquiries.
Bitcoin Loophole is a SCAM; Indisputable Review!
Make no mistake, the Bitcoin Loophole is a relatively new scam entered into the Cryptocurrency market by highly trained con artists! In some cases, Crypto based trading software’s have already been established as legitimate and profitable however, this is definitely not one of them. Our assessment shows there is more than enough evidence to debunk anything you may see or hear on Bitcoinloophole. From unregulated brokers to stock images and faked reviews it is crucial for all traders to read this Bitcoin Loophole review in order to avoid becoming the next victim of this unscrupulous scam production.
Bitcoin Loophole by the alleged Steve Mckay promises unsuspecting visitors a guaranteed sum of $13,000 in just 24 hours. They advertise the software as an automated solution for trading Cryptocurrencies which is still in it’s Beta Testing stage. The newly created app supposedly takes advantage of huge returns offered by minimal Bitcoin investments. Although the entire production comes across as a lucrative opportunity, allowing investors to lead a life of luxury after just a few days of trading with the dubious Crypto software, this Bitcoin Loophole review will expose the indisputable truth that will deter you from the guaranteed financial lost.
All traders need to be aware that should you mistakenly become involved with this fly-by-night programme you will also be exposing yourself to unregulated brokers. We began our assessment of Bitcoin Loophole by entering a fake email address on their home page with the intention of seeing which broker we would be assigned. We were immediately directed to Broker Official. This particular broker, located in Dominica, is not regulated and has acquired an exceedingly awful reputation since its inception in 2018. Additionally, some of our subscribers alerted us to the fact that Bitcoin Loophole makes use of unethical marketing such as aggressive email spamming. Should you receive any such emails, do not click on any of their links. Rather unsubscribe immediately and then delete.
A rather common ploy used in get rich quick schemes is the use of fake reviews. This tactic is present on the Bitcoinloophole site. For instance, we see a testimonial by a man named Leo C. His review of the product states that after using the free software for a period of three months, he has managed to pay off his student loan and is currently in the early stages of buying a new house. We checked Google for any information related to his picture and discovered the man is actually not associated to the software by any means. This is clearly a stock photo as we found the same image on another site. On that site, the image is used as a means of displaying how a particular website plugin works. This serves to confirm that he is actually not a member of Bitcoin Loophole scam, only a fraud would use fake marketing tactics.
From the outset of our investigation, it was apparent that Bitcoin Loophole software is linked to another scam we previously exposed called the Bitcoin Code. These two fraudulent systems are almost carbon copies of each other. All one has to do is view each app side by side to notice the uncanny similarities. For example, Steve Mckay is presented as being the creator of the Bitcoin Loophole scam. However, when you visit Bitcoin Code website, you will find the same name displayed as the genius behind that system too. While we would love to consider this as mere coincidence, we know from experience that many scammers aim to target as many victims as possible, by releasing the same software under different names and a few slight changes.
The name of this software alone should deter any trader. To date there is no known loophole in Bitcoin. When Satoshi Nakamoto posted the whitepaper on bitcoin, he/she also uploaded the source code for the first implementation. The code and protocols have been public ever since bitcoin’s inception and have been reviewed by many different people hundreds of times. That is the advantage of open source software. Bitcoin has been going strong since 2009, so if there were any ‘backdoor’ vulnerabilities it would have been discovered by now and fixed. Furthermore, it is estimated that Satoshi currently holds the largest amount of bitcoins, and stands to become possibly the richest person in the world upon its success. There is no way he or she would have allowed for any sort of loophole, even in the original code, to compromise this. Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that these mediocre scammers have discovered some sort of vulnerability to exploit in the popular digital currency.
Review Verdict: bitcoin Loophole is a scam!
Blacklisted Site: Bitcoinloophole.
Visit our Charge Back Review for ways to get your funds back!
We hope that this Bitcoin Loophole review has enlightened you to the many shameful tricks and schemes utilized by scammers, which can be seen in this fake investment service. Watchdog has exposed many similar scams and will likely expose many more in the future. This so-called trading software serves no purpose other than to pilfer from opportunists looking to profit from the latest Cryptocurrency investment trend. Interested in real FX, Binary, Cypto and CFD brokers? Visit Watchdog’s Trusted Brokers with full regulations to offer service around the world. Share your feedback below this review or any questions if you have any experiences or questions related to the questionable software.
Liberty BTC System is a SCAM; Unbiased Review!
Make no mistake, the Liberty BTC System by Kyle Stanford is a scam! We have been receiving many enquiries into the supposed cryptocurrency auto-trader and our research shows this is not a legitimate trading system. Bitcoin and other digital currencies have become very popular over the last few years, with everyone racing to acquire or invest in them. This in turn has created a new market for the scammers too. Our honest Liberty BTC System review shows exactly why you should avoid this latest crypto bot scam.
Liberty BTC System aka Liberty System, found at en. cryptosystem. cc, claims to be an automated cryptocurrency trading program which promises traders a guaranteed profit of $5000 per day on complete autopilot. Kyle Stanford states that his proprietary software is designed to help people escape the everyday rat race and start enjoying unlimited time and freedom. In terms of how the crypto bot works, Kyle claims that the new crypto bot has combined proprietary equations & robust algorithms to achieve perfect results. هذه هي المعلومات الوحيدة المقدمة & أمب؛ already this is a problem because no trading system or software is perfect. Upon hearing the words ‘can never lose’, we know we are dealing with a scam. Even the most successful traders occasionally lose a trade, 100% success rate is simply impossible.
Let us get straight to the facts about Liberty BTC System scam and why you should avoid it. First of all, on their website en. cryptosystem. cc, Kyle Stanford claims to be the head of operations. We are also going to assume that they want us to believe that he is the voice on their low budget video presentation. It turns out however, that the alleged Kyle Stanford is a fabricated identity. The image you are seeing is actually a stock photo from ShutterStock. Consider this a major warning sign. There can be no good reason for a company or service to conceal their real identity.
There are many other factors about Liberty BTC System that can be considered as red flags. Such as the fake countdown timer in the top right corner of the page. This is used as a pressure tactic in order to convince visitors that if they don’t act fast they will lose out on this amazing offer. The scammers do not want to give you time to think about the offer as they will most likely realize that it is not something worthwhile investing in. At the end of the day, it doesn’t mean a thing because each time you refresh the page the timer starts all over again. Two of our readers who emailed us also stated that their computers were infected with Malware upon downloading Liberty BTC System. We happened to find a warning related to this on en. cryptosystem. cc Terms & Conditions page. There is a disclaimer stating they will not be responsible for viruses or worms that occur as a result of downloading anything from their site. The website is not SSL protected so we would advise you against having too much interaction with it or downloading Liberty System software. Yet another red flag has to do with the fact that there is absolutely no contact or company information on their website other than a support email. This is typical of a scam. You should never invest in a company or service when you have no idea who legally owns or runs the service as a golden rule, legitimate services do not operate in this manner.
Further proof relating to the Liberty system scam can be found in the form of their address. The address they provide at the bottom of their terms and conditions is listed as 1000 5th St., Suite 200 Miami Beach, FL 33139. While gathering information for our Liberty BTC System review, we realized that this is actually just a virtual office which anyone can rent for as little as $50 a month. Other known scams have utilized this same address in the past. You might think that by now there is nothing more we can say about the scam tactics used by this fake app. Unfortunately, there is still more evidence to be added to the pile. The testimonials you see on their home page are all fake. A simple Google image search proves that these people have nothing to do with Liberty System, as matching images can be found online in connection with other sites that are not associated with this fake cryptocurrency trading bot. See image below for proof of this.
Additionally, we discovered through our Liberty BTC System scam investigation that the person who registered the website Is called Anton Kovalev from Vison Corp. The contact address listed is Koroleva str. 19-2, Kiev Ukraine. Phone +380.380936584638 & email: domains5421@gmail. Even though the domain reads en. cryptosystem. cc on the page, we noticed that during the video it is displayed in the background as cryptosystem. cc which is the same as the information returned on WhoIs. The site was registered in the 22nd July 2017 with Public Domain Registry (PDR LTD).
Review Verdict: Liberty BTC system is a Scam!
Blacklisted Sites: en. cryptosystem. cc & cryptosytem. cc.
Read our My Charge Back Review and learn how to recover your money!
If you consider the mountain of evidence provided in this review there can be no doubt out our conclusion regarding the Liberty BTC System. Do not risk deposing any money with this scam as it will surely lead to guaranteed loss of all your investment. Be sure to do your research before deciding on a software or alternatively comment below and make an enquiry. For safer alternatives in online trading, be sure to view WatchDog’s Recommended Signals services. Share your feedback below if you have any related questions or feedback on this service or similar scam sites.
Cash 365 is a SCAM; Evidence based Review!
The Cash 365 scam is one of the latest attempt to steal money from unsuspecting day-traders. Pay close attention as we detail all the reasons why you should avoid this fake app in our factual Cash365.co review. This supposed software is not licensed or regulated and the claim of making you $1,857, 93 per day is beyond ludicrous. Investing in this automated fraud will not earn you any of the profits promised to you.
Yet again, we are faced with a phony binary options software the likes of which we have seen and exposed plenty of times before over the last couple of years. However, it is still of the utmost importance that we continue to try and raise awareness of each and every single scam to hit the market in order to help the trading community. The Cash 365 software money making scheme and similar services are designed purely to take your money without any returns. Do not fall for the dream of earning boatloads of cash for free.
It was abundantly clear right from the start of our investigation that the Cash 365 scam is targeted at newbie traders. By now most experienced traders would be able to pick up on some of the scammers tactics. Cash 365 is supposedly an automated binary options robot which will literally make you rich overnight by earning millions of dollars while you sleep. The voice narrator in the pitch video that can be found at Cash365.co claims that this is a bullet proof system and was developed by mathematical mastermind and master Wall Street trader. What they don’t tell us is who these masters are. He also states that Cash 365 was kept under lock and key for 10 years, after which, on the 15th March 2018 it was put in the hands of normal everyday people turning them into millionaires. We wonder how this was possible though because according to the information on WhoIs, the website was only registered on the 2nd February 2018. Something clearly does not add up here. We also saw on the WhoIs results that the site was registered by David Signori, who listed his contact information as Ricardo Aranda 165, Surco, Lima, Peru. His phone number and email address can also be seen on the image below. Maybe David Signori needs to explain himself to a few people.
We began the research for our Cash 365 review by examining the pitch video on the Fiverr produced website, which starts off with a man saying that the software has pulled in over 9 million dollars for him so far and that he paid absolutely nothing for it. We can assure you this man has never traded with the fishy website or even seen the platform. He is just a hired actor. Additionally, we are told to listen to other success stories of people who have traded with Cash 365 app. Make no mistake, all these wonderful so called success stories you are hearing are fake. None of the people you see in the video have ever executed one single trade with the lousy excuse for a day trading app. Everything you hear they have been told to say and are paid for it. These are actors from Fiverr. We could easily end this Cash 365 review here but there is more that potential victims need to be made aware of.
In addition to the fake members of Cash 365 software, there are also false testimonials on the Cash365.co domain This is all proven by conducting a quick Google image search. Just look at the image below for evidence of this. Now lets look at the cash 365 scam from a logical standpoint. If this software was really making 475 people $1,857,93 per day, 365 days a year, don’t you think it would of made news headlines by now? Moreover, why would a powerful software, made by Wall Street master traders and mathematicians, which is proven as functional and consistently profitable, be given away for free? None of it makes sense does it? That is simply because cash 365 is a scam. This is without mentioning the fact that aside from the name of the person who registered the Cash365.co site, there is no information on the founders, developers or employees found on the site. They do not even list an office address. No legitimate investment based company would present any of these kind of tactics. Do not fll for the fake badges displayed at the bottom of their home page either, these are not clickable and don’t exist. They are put there to instil a false sense of security. Even the Social Media buttons are fake. You can click on them but nothing happens.
Review Verdict: Cash 365 is a Scam!
Blacklisted Site: Cash365.co.
Similar viral fraud sites to avoid:
We would honestly love to know how they achieve this considering that the markets are closed over weekends. This combined with the rest of the evidence presented in our Cash 365 analysis leaves us with no choice but to blacklist this software as a dangerous scam. We urge all traders to avoid this app and its dreadful website. Please share your feedback or questions below if you have any experience with any of the above scams, or with one of the brokers involved. For those who lost money, we highly encourage you to visit our My Charge Back Review and learn how you can recover your funds!
BinaryMate is a SCAM!
This conclusive BinaryMate review is the third and final part of our recent in-depth investigation into the menacing syndicate operating a network of binary options scam brokers. We have gathered a large amount of damming evidence against the BinaryMate scam, which will be laid out in the review below. We sincerely implore the trading community to read this review and be sure to obviate from any contact with Binarymate. Investing with this broker or any brands within their network, will only lead to serious financial loss,
BinaryMate is an online binary options and CFD broker, who opened their doors on the 11th August 2018. They offer much the same as their sinister sister brokers Binary Cent & Finrally. They utilize a customary in house proprietary web-trading platform and require a minimum deposit of $250, with guaranteed 1-hour withdrawals. What they offer their traders is not conducive to this review, as we certainly do not wish to promote them in any form. We are here solely with the purpose of deterring traders from engaging with BinaryMate. During our investigation into the corrupt company known as Finance Corp Group (FCG), which is located at 2nd Floor, Transpacific Haus, Lini Highway, Vanuatu, we discovered that they own the brokers mentioned above, including the BinaryMate scam. FCG has been clever in distancing themselves from these online scam brokers by hiring different firms to operate and manage the various brokers. In the case of BinaryMate, a company called Affort Projects S. A operates them. This company lists their address as 306 Premier Building, Albert Street, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles. It may be of interest to you to know the same company operates Finrally broker. Just look at the screen shots below taken from the user agreement of each site.
If you missed the first two parts of our investigation, you can catch up by reading first BinaryCent and then Finrally. Additionally, the BinBotPro scam software was also found to be involved. As this BinaryMate review is the conclusion, we have further proof that these three brokers are one in the same. All of them promote having the feature of a live video chat that is available 24/7 for support. What may come as a surprise is that while conducting research into the Binarymate scam, we noticed that the exact same women were online at the same time on all three sites. This proves beyond question that all three scams brokers are actually the same, and are not independent of each other at all. It’s like one big scam family. The screen shots comparison below will prove this. Furthermore, as if this discovery isn’t bad enough, Binary Mate offers weekend trading just like the other two. Yes, you heard right, weekend trading. As the stock market is closed over the weekend and trading is not possible, at least not legitimate trading, we were left wondering how it is possible that the BinaryMate scam can offer this. We decided to ask this question while we had the various chat screens open. In all honesty, the reply we received from all 3 brokers, which was exactly the same and from the same woman, was as much a joke as the weekend trading itself.
BinaryMate is an unregulated broker. They do not hold the necessary licenses to operate as broker from either the SEC, CYSEC or ASIC regulatory bodies. You may come across certain promoters of this scam claiming that the Parent company of BinaryMate, Finance Corp Group, are registered in Vanuatu. Do not let this offer you a false sense of security. Vanuatu regulation requirements are not as strict as other countries and are known for harbouring many offshore companies due to its reputation as a tax haven. Additionally the cost of a license in Vanuatu is just $2000, which is the minimum capital requirement for brokerage firms set by the VSFC. The cost of a CYSEC license for example is upwards of €730,000; this number alone serves to deter any scam brokers who’s in it to steal money and re-brand.
Since Watchdog began posting the first reviews concerning this criminal network of scam brokers, Our email inbox has become inundated with stories from traders all over the world on how they were scammed by at least one of these brokers and asking us for advice on what to do about it. In relation to BinaryMate, the number of complaints is now well into the hundreds. While each person’s story is just as important as the next, we simply cannot mention each and every one in our BinaryMate review. What we can do is summarize though, as a lot of them are similar in nature. The most common complaint and tactic we noted they use to steal money was price changes during placement delays. In fact, BinaryMate scam platform has become quite famous at delaying acceptance of trades which ultimately cause the traders to lose as they were unable to hit their required strike rate. Another common complaint traders mentioned is that the platform would suddenly ‘update’ during the middle of placing a trade. This results in being logged out of the account. By the time customers are able to log back in, the trade has gone the wrong way.
Review Verdict: BinaryMate is a Scam!
Blacklisted Site: Binarymate.
Visit our My Charge Back review to learn how you can recover your money!
We hope that this BinaryMate review has been able to put together all the pieces of the puzzle for you, so you can clearly see how getting involved with them is damaging to your financial health. The people behind BinaryMate scam as well as their sister brokers have created a sophisticated and complex operation whose sole purpose is to steal from innocent and unsuspecting traders. For the sake of our community we urge anyone who has had any issues with or been scammed by the network of scammers , to openly share their experiences in the comment section below. The more people who read this review and share, the less BinaryMate can continue to harm investors. Visit Watchdog’s Trusted Brokers for regulated and reliable alternatives.
Finrally is a SCAM!! Investigative Review!
After a complete review of all the evidence and honest testimonials, we decided to fully expose the Finrally Scam operation! and We at Watchdog are currently in the middle of an investigation into an offshore company running a network of seriously damaging scams. On Tuesday, we released the first part pertaining to the Binary Cent scam. This Finrally review is the second chapter in the ongoing saga. We implore all active day traders around the globe to abnegate from any form of financial undertakings with Finrally.
Finrally scam broker appeared online in the binary options industry in early March of 2017. They offer binary options and CFD trading. The minimum deposit is $250 and they offer bonuses up to 100%. Out of all the broker related parties involved in our investigation, the Finrally scam is the only one who offers Fixed Income Accounts. Another feature we noted which was first implemented by sister broker BinaryMate & obviously due to popularity, was then quickly adopted by Finrally, is the Live Video Chat with Real Girls feature. This naturally peaked our interest and out of curiosity, we opened a chat screen. We were a given a choice between three ‘girls’ and decided upon Vanessa. Now, even though ‘Vanessa’ responded promptly and as attractive as she may be, the question here is; Is this really the type of feature you want to look for in a broker? Now let’s get to the sinister facts!
Finrally is Actually Finpari Undercover!
The finrally website was registered on the 9th February 2017, and as we see in most scam cases it was registered anonymously. However, we did manage to find out that Finance Corp Group (FCG), which is based in Vanuata, owns it. This same company owns Binary Cent, for more information on them, read our Binary Cent review. Although Finance Corp Group own these companies, they do not operate them. Instead, they employ external companies to manage them. The difference in the Finrally scam is that we came across four different firms found to be in connection with them. They are; 1) Lerona Impex S. A, located at 306 Premier Building, Albert Street, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles, with company registration number 114612, 2) Norske Inter LP, located at Suite 1, 39 Dee Street, Aberdeen, Scotland, AB11 6DY, with company registration number SLO20287 3) Affort Projects S. A, located at 306 Premier Building,, Albert Street, Victoria,,Mahé, Seychelles, no available company registration number. 4) Suomen Kerran LP, located at Centre Office, 58A Broughton Street, Edinburgh, EH1 3SA, Scotland, company registration number SLO25219. We are not sure how exactly each one is connected but if you search out any of these addresses, Finrally broker dominates the results. We do know that the company Suomen Kerran LP, operates Binary Cent. As it stands, if you look at the address of all these firms you can already pick up uncomfortable similarities.
For those of you who have been around for a while you may remember the broker Finpari. Some of the addresses mentioned above were found to be in connection with Finpari too. This brokerage became famous for being a scam by running Ponzi Schemes, having unethical business practices and illegally soliciting USA traders. In fact, in 2018 Finpari was involved in a court case with The Enforcement Section of the Missouri Securities Division of the Office of Secretary of State. On the 29th April 2018, the Enforcement Section opened an investigation into Finpari. They created a ‘Decoy Identity’ and managed to open a trading account even though they were based in Missouri, USA. They were subsequently served legal documents to appear in court on charges of violating Sections 409.3-301 and 409.6-604. Of the Missouri Securities Act of 2003. The respondent in this case, on behalf of Finpari was Lerona Impex S. A (same company found to have connections with Finrally listed above). The respondent chose to not only waiver their rights to a hearing, but also to neither admit nor deny the allegations and instead chose to consent to the Commissioner’s findings. The final verdict by the commissioner was this; Lerona Impex S. A d/b/a Finpari and Finpari is permanently enjoined and restrained from offering and selling unregistered, non-exempt securities in violation of 409.3-301. In addition to this ruling, they also received a fine. Both The Autorité des marchés financiers AMF – Blacklist which is the stock market regulator in France and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CYSEC) released announcements warning investors with a list of websites that were unregulated and not authorized to offer investment services, CYSEC – تحذير. Finpari is present on both those lists. It was after the court case that Finpari closed down and a few months later Finrally was born.
The fraudsters have obviously not learnt their lesson though as it is abundantly clear that Finrally scam is identical to its predecessor. They have the same home page, the same guaranteed ‘1 hour withdrawals’ the same weekly trading contest. We even found Finpari’s logo on the FAQ page of Finrally. The two brokers are identical. The only thing that is different is the name and the logo. At the time of writing this review, Finrally have listed Affort Projects S. A as their parent company under the Finrally user agreement. Obviously, they cannot list Lerona Impex S. A after the court case, as that would be the height of stupidity. What is interesting though is that if you go back to earlier in our Finrally review, you will see that both companies are located at the same address. Finrally is also an unregulated broker. They do not hold licences with either the SEC, CFTC, CYSEC or ASIC.
Furthermore, we recently uncovered that the Finrally scam broker is also accepting traders from within the United States. Even though they claim on their website that they do not accept traders from the USA, we found this to be a false statement. Finrally has in fact been accepting USA traders through the BinBotPro scam software. You can read about it in our BinBotPro review in details. It was actually this discovery that started our investigation into the syndicate we now know to be operating Binary Cent, Binary Mate & Finrally. All 3 fraudulent, unregulated brokers are associated with the BinBotPro app.
Review Verdict: Finrally is a Scam!
Blacklisted Site: FinRally.
My Charge Back can help you recover your money from scams:
After carefully considering all the facts presented here in our Finrally review, there can be no doubt that the Finrally scam broker is actually just Finpari undercover. The syndicate involved in running this criminal network, has gone to great lengths weaving intricate spider webs in an attempt to cover their tracks. However, the truth always comes out eventually and Watchdog is doing whatever we can to see that it does. You can do your part too by helping us in sharing this Finrally review online and spreading the word about this massive scam. If you have had any experiences with or been scammed by Finrally, please feel free to share your story in the comments below. Be sure to Visit Watchdog’s Trusted Brokers for regulated Forex, CFD, Binary and Crypto alternatives!
Trend Catcher is a SCAM!
Do not make the costly mistake of falling for the Trend Catcher scam. This a second rate service produced by experienced scam artists whom we’ve had the pleasure of exposing in the past and will gladly do so again. If you are considering this software as a viable means to help you profit in your trading endeavors, we suggest you read our candid Trend Catcher review to save yourself both time and money. Concrete evidence on TrendCatcher. co scam will be provided below.
Upon visiting the rather bleak TrendCatcher. co site, we are shown a short pitch video about the software, which is presented by an anonymous smooth talking presenter named Jim. It comes as no surprise that Jim is faceless. He also has no last name. He does however claim to be the creator and/or owner of Trend Catcher scam software. With no face and no last name, we cannot verify who he really is or if the man is trustworthy. In all likelihood, ‘Jim’ is just a cheaply hired voice over artist from the Fiverr market place.
Trend Catcher is purported as an automated Forex trading software, with a smart algorithm designed to catch small trends using moving averages and other indicators. That is the only information provided on how Trend Catcher supposedly works. Additionally Trend Catcher claims to have a winning rate of 87.4%. Although this is only slightly higher than normal, we distrust their claim, as there is no proof provided to us in the form of credible trade histories for example. Potential customers are also told that Trend Catcher software can earn them $270 per day or $8000 monthly and that there is no risk involved. Apparently, the trading app will not place a trade unless it knows for certain that it cannot lose. Already this statement irritates us, as that is an outright lie. There is always risk involved in trading, no matter your experience level or what software you use. Risk associated with trading can be considered as an occupational hazard. Here is your first warning sign that you’re dealing with bogus software. Believing you cannot lose is a risk in itself.
Another point of concern noted on the Trend Catcher scam site is the obvious lack of information. No contact details such as a company address or telephone number are listed anywhere on the site. You are just expected to sign up by entering your email address and are immediately directed to one of their associated brokers. By the way, although Trend Catcher software is advertised as free, you still have to deposit a minimum of $250 with your assigned broker. If you already have an account with a broker and simply wish to acquire this ‘free’ software, you will soon find this is not possible. In terms of the lack of contact and identity related information, we also noted that their website TrendCatcher. co was only registered on the 6th August 2017 making the site only around two months old plus it was registered privately. If you combine these factors together, you really have no clue who you are dealing with here. The person who designed the Trend Catcher scam could be sitting somewhere in his mother’s basement and running the whole stinking operation for all you know.
Perhaps the biggest piece of evidence we uncovered for our Trend Catcher review, is the fact that whoever is behind it, is responsible for another previously exposed scam known as Google Trader. Clearly, this scam producer is lacking in intelligence or they are just super lazy. The connection between Trend Catcher & Google Trader was not hard to form. Firstly, the layout of both sites are remarkably similar. In fact, they are almost identical. Secondly, the fake testimonials used for Trend Catcher are exactly the same as the ones used for Google Trader. The pictures and words have not changed. All they have done is replace the name of the scam. Look at the images below for undeniable proof.
Moreover, although the images of the people you see supposedly giving their testimonials appear as if they originate from Facebook, the more logical scenario is that these images have been stolen. In fact, we can prove it. The first picture you see is a woman named Tohloria Lewis. She is a real everyday woman with a legitimate Facebook profile. Unfortunately, her profile has been hacked and this fake profile with her stolen images is being used to promote all types of scams not just the Trend Catcher scam. From weight loss pills to beauty creams and now apparently Forex software. You can verify this for yourself by visiting this article or by checking out her real Facebook profile (facebook/loriee. lewis) where she has to continuously tell people that it is not her that is endorsing all these fake products. If you reached this point, reading our Trend Catcher Review, you would have no doubt that signing up would be a detrimental financial mistake!
Review Verdict: Trend Trader is a Scam!
Blacklisted Site: trendcatcher. co.
Viral Scams you should avoid – complete reviews:
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The evidence we have provided in this Trend Catcher review goes to show that this trading app is not to be trusted. The simple fact that they have to go to such great lengths to fake testimonials of their product in addition to providing no information on who created or owns the supposed automated Forex software should be enough to deter you from signing up and depositing any money with them. We encourage day traders to avoid this fake app at all costs. Be sure to share your comment concerning Trend Catcher if you made a mistake and depositing money with any of their unregulated brokers and help us deter other potential users who might trust the email marketers and other scammers who chose to endorse this virtual, automated stealing machine.
Binbot Pro is a Criminal SCAM!! Real Review!
Binabotpro is a scam beyond any reasonable doubt and we have all the evidence you need! It is of critical importance that you read this BinBot Pro review carefully. We have come across some disturbing information about this extremely dangerous binary options scam and if you are associated with BinbotPro you could potentially find yourself in a lot of trouble. We urge all traders to consider the facts provided in our review below for their own safety and peace of mind.
Binbot Pro is an automated software for trading binary options that allegedly uses up to 20 different robots, each with their own supposed unique combinations of indicators and success rates. The software scam has been around for many months now as we discovered the site was first registered on the 7th July 2018. How they have managed to stick around for so long with their sickening scam Is beyond our comprehension. Additionally, as we find with most scams, the BinbotPro site was registered anonymously. By now you should know that this is highly concerning, especially when it comes to investments. Right off the bat we are left with questions as we have no idea who actually owns and created the nauseating BinbotPro scam site. Furthermore, upon visiting the site we noted that BinBot Pro does not provide their potential customers with any information about who is actually behind the robot or who created it. There is no presentation video showing the CEO or founder of the software, there is no contact page detailing support information, telephone number or email address. There is literally no information available at all. For a site pertaining to investments, this is quite disconcerting to say the least. Do you truly know with whom you are making a deposit to here?
Instead of the usual pitch video, we are presented with a video demonstrating user’s experience with the robot. I suppose it should come as no surprise that once again we have no idea who is presenting the video. All we see is a screen recording of an unknown man allegedly trading with the BinBot Pro scam software and of course making profits. Unfortunately, what you are being shown is not a live account. It is a demo. As in most scam cases the demo being used to trade with is rigged to show consistent profitable results. When you finally trade with a live account things go horribly wrong. While on the topic of demo trading accounts, it is important to mention another tactic in which the BinBot Pro scam entices traders into depositing money with them. As has been seen before in other previously exposed scams such as Automated Binary Systems and Option Robot, which by the way BinbotPro is almost identical too. After registering on their site, they offer you a trial version of the software so traders may test the auto-trader before depositing any funds with one of their associated brokers. This is nothing but a demo account set up exclusively to show only winning trades. Once the trader sees the fake profit accumulating, they feel confident enough to make a deposit and start trading live. However, as many users have reported, the live version is the complete opposite of the trial and most traders are left with an account balance of zero within days.
Although the above matters are concerning we have uncovered even more alarming information. The main purpose of this urgent BinBot Pro review is to protect traders. While conducting extensive research on this scam software we noted that the fraud website BinbotPro is marketed as being available in all countries including the USA. In fact, the most common marketing ine we see everywhere is ‘BinBotPro Software Available in USA & Canada’ this is in fact 100% illegal. The reason for stating that Bin Bot Pro is operating illegally is as only regulated binary exchanges such as Nadex are legal in the United States. The brokers found to be in association with BinbotPro are not licensed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commissions (CFTC) or the Securities & Exchange Commissions (SEC). The brokers we found to be currently accepting US residents who signup with BinBot Pro scam are Binary Cent, BinaryMate and Finrally. Both of these binary options brokers are unregulated. In fact, most brokers who operate outside the US are registered with either the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CYSEC), or the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Binary Cent, BinaryMate & Finrally who are known scam brokers don’t hold any of those licenses. Therefore, they are illegally soliciting and accepting funds from United States citizens.
BinBotPro Review Verdict: BinBotPro is a Scam!
Blacklisted site: binbotpro.
Blacklisted Brokers: Binary Cent, BinaryMate & Finrally.
Report BinBot Pro and the illegal brokers to IC3.GOV.
Internet Crime Complaint Center for US citizens!
If you take the time to consider all the facts and information we have laid out in this BinBotPro review, you will understand why we are listing this binary options robot as one of the most dangerous scams we have come across to date. It is no wonder whoever is behind this fraudulent software is overly secretive of their identity. Anyone involved in an illegal operation on such a high level would also be hiding. Furthermore, any persons found to be promoting this fraudulent service should also be concerned as they too can face legal ramifications for soliciting US citizens to unregulated brokers and trading with BinBotPro scam software.
Don’t let scammers get away with your money.
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